Hazardous Horodania


  • What happens when starvation in the body?
  • Fasting and weight loss

  • What happens when starvation in the body?

    Hazardous HorodaniaFasting for healthy and fasting for not too healthy - two big differences. The fact that fasting is often represented as a panacea from all chronic diseases is not true. Methods of medical fasting are used, for example, in the treatment of obesity, but only in clinics under constant observation of doctors using laboratory and instrumental methods for monitoring the patient's condition and in the absence of contraindications.

    Even with impeccable health status. Fasting is stress for the body. During a healthy starvation to meet energy needs, reserves are used - fat reserves (which is basically good) and its own muscle tissue, which is used as a source of protein used for construction and updating tissues, hormone synthesis, digestive enzymes and other necessary for normal operation organism of biologically active substances.

    Thus, starving, we lose not so much fat as muscle tissue (about 100 grams per day). As a result, the main exchange is sharply reduced and, returning to its usual power regime, we score more kilograms than lost. In addition to unnecessary kilograms, there is a real chance to achieve avitaminosis, reducing immunity and the total tone of the body, which, as a rule, leads to exacerbation of existing chronic diseases or the development of previously intact.

    Before starting fasting, it is also worth consulting with a nephrologist and pass a serious kidney examination. As chronic pyelonephritis (by the way, about 80% of women) and kidney polycystic disease are not fatal diseases and in competent treatment and compliance with medical recommendations can be in the resistance for a long time and do not remind themselm. However, starvation, accompanied by increased formation of spree products of proteins and fats, can cause aggravation of kidney disease.

    Fasting and weight loss

    Another common option: the problems of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract and the desire to lose weight. We must not forget that a sharp reduction in food intake negatively reflects on the state of health and quality of life even completely healthy people, and of course, fraught with aggravation of ulcerative disease. Consequently, it is better to go to another way, or rather ways. Possible options are several:

    • Do not change the mode and quality of food, but simply increase the physical activity and calorie consumption;
    • Do not reduce the quantity, but to change the quality of food consumed - to reduce the content in the diet of fats and inadequate carbohydrates;
    • and, most logical: to do 1 and 2 at the same time, especially since the power mode in the process of weight loss and ulcerative disease is similar: there is often and gradually.

    Thus, it is necessary to understand that the starvation is shown not to everyone and conduct it independently, without consulting and observing the attending physician, unacceptably.

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