What is hyperprolactinemia


  • Causes of hyperprolactiamia
  • Diagnosis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia

  • Hyperprolactinemia is a condition for which it is characteristic
    Increased content of prolactin (pituitary hormone) in the blood. Most often
    Hyperprolaktemia is found in young women aged 25-40 years,
    much less often - men of the same age.

    Causes of hyperprolactiamia

    The reasons leading to increasing the production of prolactin are diverse:

    • Tumor
      (adenoma) pituitary gland - the most common cause of this state. Usually such
      Tumors have small sizes (no more than 2-3 mm). In short «tumor»
      Doctors denote an increase in the size of the pituitary gland, it is not cancer,
      and benign education.
    • Reducing the function of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
    • Ovarian diseases (polycystic ovarian syndrome).
    • Reception
      Some drugs: Antiwheat Means (Cerukal),
      Antidepressants (amitriptyline), contraceptives with high
      Estrogen content.
    • Cirrhosis of the liver.
    • Chronic renal failure (hyperprolactinemia occurs in 65% of patients on hemodialysis).
    • Brain diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, tumors).

    With hyperprolactinemia syndrome, as a rule, bothers the release of milk
    from the mammary glands outside of pregnancy (galatterey), infertility and violation
    menstruation (most often their absence). Men are concerned about lowering
    sexual attraction and potency, sometimes in combination with milk release.
    In some cases, excess hair growth on the body is observed, a tendency
    to acne. As the tumor growth increases, the pituitary
    impairment of vision, headache.

    Diagnosis and treatment of hyperprolactinemia

    An endocrinologist, as well as a gynecologist-endocrinologist, is engaged in diagnosing and treatment.

    For diagnostics it is necessary:

    • Consider blood test for prolactin (blood is taken from Vienna), in addition, the doctor may assign hormonal samples;
    • in
      A number of cases will need to pass the blood test and on other hormones,
      For example, on the hormones of the thyroid gland (if the doctor suspect a violation
      thyroid functions);
    • What is hyperprolactinemiaperform the X-ray of the skull and the region of the Turkish saddle to estimate the size of the pituitary
    • for
      Detailed assessment of the pituitary and surrounding parts of the brain
      Tomography - Computer (CT), based on the use
      X-ray rays and magnetic resonance (MRI) based
      on the use of magnetic fields;
    • consultation of the gynecologist (for women);
    • When detecting the adenoma, the pituitary will need an oculist consultation.

    Hyperprolactinemia is caused by hypothyroidism or insufficiency
    adrenal glands, appropriate replacement hormone
    Therapy, which leads to normalization of prolactin and termination

    If the condition is associated with the reception of medicinal
    funds (Cerukal, amitriptyline, etc.), these drugs are canceled. How
    rule, after 4-5 weeks after that, the menstrual is restored
    Cycle and stops Galathery.

    Therapeutic treatment
    It is used most often. Patients prescribe special drugs
    (Parlodel, Lizuride and DR.). Such therapy normalizes the content
    Prolactin in blood, women restores menstrual cycle
    and the ability to conceive.

    Surgical intervention
    (the removal of the pituitary tumor) is used, as a rule, with
    violations of vision and insufficient effectiveness
    Therapeutic treatment.

    Radiation therapy is used more often
    Total as an additional treatment method after hypophysometer or on the background
    Therapeutic treatment.

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