

  • Causes of enteritis
  • Treatment Enititis

  • Causes of enteritis

    The reason for the development of enteritis can
    Being incorrect meals, as well as the impact of environmental factors.
    In most cases, the occurrence of the disease contributes:
    • binge eating
    • The effects of drugs, intolerable organism
    • Food allergy
    • infectious diseases
    • Alcoholic beverage abuse, acute food
    • supercooling

    Inflammation begins as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane of the small intestine and is accompanied by a number of clinical signs.

    The main manifestations of the inflammatory process of the small intestine include:
    • Nausea
    • vomot
    • diarrhea
    • spastic abdominal pain
    • General weakness, malaise
    • temperature increase
    • Forab
    • Symptoms of Collapse

    Also when palpation of a blind intestine
    A strong rumbling may be observed, leukocytosis and an increase
    Erythrocyte settlement speed. One of the manifestations of this disease
    is a weight loss and a disruption of the menstrual cycle in women.
    The presence of any of the listed features is the cause
    Immediate appeal for medical care.

    Enteritis has several
    forms and stages that differ in both clinical manifestations and
    etiology. Thus, allocate acute and chronic stages
    Diseases. Acute has infectious, viral, allergic and
    Toxic form. As a rule, the acute stage of the disease begins with
    common symptoms to which are applied, vomiting, raising
    Temperature and T.NS. The causes of the chronic stage of the disease as
    The rule is food allergies, alcohol and acute abuse
    food, but it is manifested by a stupid pain in the aircraft region.

    Quite reasonable
    Enititis attribute the role of a dangerous disease. Lack of proper
    treatment can lead to a number of irreparable consequences to which
    include necrosis, tensile small intestine and intestinal bleeding.
    The long-term course of the disease leads to its transition to
    chronic stage, which in some cases can contribute
    Development of pathological processes of other bodies. Timely
    Finding signs of infection and adding medical care,
    It will be possible to avoid the harmful effects of infection on the human body.

    Treatment Enititis

    Enteritis treatment is carried out after
    accurate diagnosis. It is the appointment of a certain
    complex therapeutic procedures.

    Currently for
    Definitions of the treatment of enteritis are resorted to a number of ways
    Surveys for the presence of disease and its etiology.
    The diagnosis is preceded by the following studies:
    • Collect Anamneza
    • Blood and Cala
    • Biopsy of the small intestine
    • X-ray
    • Endoscopy of the postbulbar duodenal department

    When studying blood, pay attention to the maintenance of potassium,
    Magnesium, Calcium, Iron Squirrel. X-ray examination
    allows you to eliminate tumor lesions of the small intestine.

    After identifying the form
    the pathological process is appointed the most optimal
    Therapeutic course. So, heavy and toxic forms of this
    Diseases require immediate hospitalization of the patient. In acute
    Inflammation requires washing the stomach to remove toxins from it,
    After that, within 12-24 hours, the meals are excluded and assigned
    Abundant drinking.

    Treatment of enteritis as well
    implies the appointment of drug therapy to eliminate
    Dysbacteriosis. In the period of exacerbation, manifested by Diarmen, recommended
    Oral use of binders and enveloping drugs.
    In the future, it becomes necessary to prescribe drugs normalizing
    Intestinal flora.

    In the treatment of enteritis
    need to adhere to a special diet. Patients shown
    Eating in the food of the rubbed products in small portions through
    Equal intervals. Also strictly contraindicated alcohol and
    Use of acute food. Compliance with all power standards during
    the therapeutic course will significantly speed up the recovery process, after
    which is very important to comply with a number of preventive measures consisting in
    Balanced nutrition, compliance with personal hygiene and consumption
    in food only thoroughly washed products that do not have toxic
    Impact on the body.

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