Folk remedies in the treatment of bubbles


  • A little about the traditional treatment of bubbles
  • Folk remedies for local treatment of bubbles

  • A little about the traditional treatment of bubbles

    Bubble, a terrible disease, in which the skin literally slides from the body of a person, was known to people with distant antiquity. Even today, doctors are not always able to defeat the disease. In the treatment of bubbles, the hormones are used primarily, the reception of which is associated with severe reactions. However, today it is the only way to cope with a cunning disease.

    The faster the erosion will heal, the bubble remaining in place, the better. Meanwhile, the wound can be understood, especially since heavy forms of bubbles have to take drugs that reduce immunity. In order to speed up the wound healing process, folk remedies may be used.

    Folk remedies for local treatment of bubbles

    Folk remedies in the treatment of bubblesFolk remedies help speed up the healing of the wound, which is very important when treating bubbles. You can use the following recipes:

    • Take in equal proportions garlic, onions, pepper, salt and honey. All this mix and tomorrow in the oven fifteen minutes. It turns out a viscous Cashier, which you need to apply on the shut-off bubbles. She will not only pull the pus, but also to heal wounds.
    • Mushroom Rainer (used white flesh and disputes of mushrooms) are cut in half, the inner white side is superimposed on a bleeding wound and fixed with a bandage. If the mushroom is ripe, then its gray-green spores are used, which sprinkled wounds.
    • Squeeze the juice of fresh nettle leaves, soak them napkins and attach to a wound or erosion. Neptelo juice has pronounced hemostatic, painkillers and wound-healing effects.
    • Press the juice from the green leaves of aloe tree, richly moisten them gauze napkins and impose on the surface of the wound or erosion.
    • 80 g of fresh chopped walnut leaves pour 300 ml of olive, sunflower, corn or other vegetable oil and insist at room temperature for 20 days (shabby daily). Then the oil strain and use to lubricate purulent wounds and ulcers.
    • With a narrow green leaf of the root, remove the top layer, remove the white core (it looks like cotton), impose on the wound and secure the bandage. The white core of the plant is well absorbed the wound selections, and also prevents the suppuration.
    • Prepare infusion from the flower heads of the clover meadow: 2 st. Spoons pour in a thermos 1 glass of steep boiling water, insist 1-2 hours, strain and use to wash erosions when bubble.

    As a means accelerating healing, finely sliced ​​leaves of plantain, yarrow, lilac, bitter wormwood can also be used. They are imposed on erosion. It is important not to forget that all these means is only an addition to the main treatment of bubble, and not its replacement. Without a doctor's disease, the disease in most cases leads to death.

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