Causes of unpleasant odor from the child. What diseases may indicate the smell of ammonia and acetone from the oral cavity in children and do you need to visit the pediatrician and laura.
Nasty smell from the mouth — The phenomenon is incredible. Basically, the appearance of a specific smell of oral cavity in children is not associated with serious pathologies, but it is not recommended to throw this phenomenon. In most cases, such a condition is observed when dry in the nasal and oral cavities, when eating some products, diseases of the teeth and oral cavity, problems with the stomach and under stress. If the unpleasant smell is stable, then the pediatrician and children's ENT (otolaryngologist) will help to figure out the reason for its appearance and draw up a competent treatment plan (otolaryngologist).
The main causes of the appearance of children's Galitosis (unpleasant smell of mouth) are:
Some foods;
- non-compliance with oral hygiene;
- oral mushroom mushroom;
- breathing through the mouth;
- Flaw in language;
- mucus in sinus sinuses;
- bacteria in almonds;
- disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
- Stressful states.
Causes of the appearance of unpleasant smell of mouth in children
Galitosis is often developing on the soil of caries and gum diseases, so it is important to follow the child's hygiene and control the regularity of the cleaning of the teeth and the language (the babies are wiping the tongue of moisturized gauze). In terms of food consumed, in addition to garlic, onions, corn, unpleasant smell can cause sweets: they favor the appearance of pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. The fungal lesion of the oral cavity is manifested by white branches on the mucous membranes, lips and language. Fungus requires medical intervention. His appearance is associated with impaired balance of fungi and microorganisms in the larynx and the oral cavity due to improper power supply.
Dry mouth due to breathing through the mouth — The most common cause of an unpleasant odor. When accumulating mucus in sinus sinuses, the bad smell of mouth is accompanied by an unpleasant taste in the mouth. If a child has chronic tonsillitis, then in glazes can be stuck and rot food. In such cases, cheese and cottage cheese will have to exclude from the children's menu. The bad smell of the child's mouth can be a symptom of problems with the state of the gastrointestinal tract (accumulation of gastric juice or increased acidity). When the child is in a stressful state, either dries the mucosa, or the oral cavity is overly filled with saliva; Both cases contribute to the manifestation of Galitose.
The smell of acetone and ammonia from the mouth of the child and treatment
The smell of acetone and ammonia from the mouth of the child can signal the pathology of the pancreas. If your child has an ammonia and acetone from his mouth, contact a pediatrician or children's gastroenterologist, immediately. Periodically appearing the smell of acetone may indicate acetional syndrome, developing on the basis of infectious diseases, disorders of the power mode, stress, overwork, dysfunction of internal organs, disorders of endocrine and nervous systems. This syndrome can be transmitted genetically. The smell of acetone can accompany glisate invasions. It is also found in serious diseases (diabetes, disorders of the liver, etc.), so it is important to appeal to the pediatrician for help. In the presence of diabetes, the smell of mouth will be accompanied fast fatigue and skin itch.
To carry out competent treatment of unpleasant smell of the child, you need to visit several specialists (pediatrician, ENT doctor, gastroenterologist, dentist) to eliminate severe pathologies. In the absence of serious diseases, carefully plan the diet of the child, eliminate sweets from it (they can be replaced with honey) and increase the consumption of apples and citrus.