Helmintosis - an actual problem
Different sources report that glitter diseases in the world suffer from one to two million people! Most often in the human body seek to get round or flat (tape) worms. At the moment, more than 350 types of worms are known to scientists, the most species found in the southern regions. Approximately 91% of occurring gelminths - these are enterobiosis that are provoked by the edge. These worms have small sizes, their length from 5 to 10 mm. They will settle down groups in the small intestine. To postpone the female eggs crawl down, reaching the rectum. The second place among gelminths (about 8%) occupies ascariasis. Already out of the name it is clear that there are ascarides. These are larger parasites, they live not only in the small intestine, but also «Travel» In the liver, bile ducts and lungs (through blood flow). Write our website and more serious helminthoses: tricocephalosis, toxocamos, ankylostomosis ..
Helmintes settled in the human body isolated toxins, absorb vitamins, nutrients, violate the operation of the immune system, cause allergic reactions. A person can disturb such symptoms as fast fatigue, anemia, Pains in the abdomen, intestinal disorders, frequent infections. To combat gloves-parasites managed to create effective offhealth. There are among them and Pyrantel.
General information about the drug
This drug is desirable to use during meals or after. To achieve a better effect when enterobiosis, doctors recommend immediately to learn all family members. The dosage is calculated individually. It depends on the age of patients, their body weight and diagnosis. Tablet (or part of it) Before swallowing and powered by water, must be twisted in the oral cavity (the taste of a pleasant medication). With enterobiosis, ascariasis, mixed glisted invasions medicine is accepted once. It should be borne in mind that one kilogram of body mass is supposed to take 10 mg of drug. Children from three to six years usually give a whole tablet (this is 250 mg). At the age of six to twelve, it is supposed to take two tablets (this is 500 mg of medication). Teenagers and adults people whose weight does not exceed 75 kg. It is necessary to take 3 tablets (this is 750 mg of the drug). If the weight of more than 75 kg, then you need to take four tablets on the reception (it turns out 1000 mg).
For the treatment of Ankleomidosis, a different scheme is used. The amount of the preparation is also calculated as 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. But it is necessary to take a medicine three days in a row.
For the treatment of noncatorosis on a kilogram of body mass takes 20 mg of medication. Reception goes two days in a row.
Now tell me how to use a suspension. Our site will immediately explain that one measurement is five milliliters of medication.
For the treatment of ascarideosis, enterobiosis and mixed invasive states:
- Todders from six months to two years give a one-time 2.5 ml of suspension (this is half the measure).
- Children from two years to six - one measurement (which is 5 ml).
- Children from six to twelve years give 10 ml of suspension (these are two standards) once.
- Adults with a body weight of less than 75 kg it is necessary to drink 15 ml at once (this is the contents of the entire bottle). With a mass of more than 75 kg, 20 ml of suspension will be required.
In case of noncatorosis, the suspension is given for two days, and the dose is calculated so: 20 mg of the drug must be taken on a kilogram of body weight.
Additionally, during treatment with the PIRTEL, the reception of no laxatives is required. PIRANTEL RESERVATION RESERY RESERVE.
About side effects and contraindications
Usually the medicine of the pyrantel is transferred to patients well. And only in rare cases were noted the following undesirable effects:
- nausea, urges on vomiting, loss of appetite, pain in the stomach;
- raising Temperature;
- drowsiness, dizziness or headache;
- Skin rashes (allergies);
- insomnia, weakness.
When Pyrantel is contraindicated?
- With increased sensitivity to the active medication component or auxiliary ingredients.
- During treatment Miasthenia.
Especially careful it is necessary to be that patients who have liver failure. Pregnant women should be resorted to this drug only in cases where the recommendation is given by the attending physician. If the medicine is written by a woman who feeds the baby breasts, then these days do not resort to breastfeeding.
If the PIRANTEL is missing in the pharmacy, then it can be replaced by synonyms - helmintoks or nemocide. To make sure that the treatment of the PIRANTER has passed successfully, it is necessary to pass the caller for checking the halmins. To avoid re-infection Try to follow the famous hygiene rules.