What is hyperopia, and what are the prevention of hyperidity prevention? You can read in this article.
Dilnicopiness is a violation of the refractive ability of the optical media of the eye, as a result of which parallel rays of light, coming from distant items, after refraction of them in the optical system of the eye converge in the focus point not on the retina, but behind it.
Most of the far-sighted people are clearly seen in the distance and quite satisfactory - close. Almost all children are born farnnicastic, but in the future the vision becomes normal and even goes into myopia.
Falcastness of a weak degree up to 3 diopters is a normal phenomenon.
The hyperopia is medium and high to consider as a delay in the growth of the eyeball, the reason for which is still not clear enough.
Accommodation is the ability of the human eye to increase its refractive force when translating the gaze from distant items to the closest, that is, to see well and in the distance, and near. With hyperbating for clear vision, it is always necessary to strain accommodation, and therefore the eye is observed, headaches appear, dull pain in the forehead and near the eye, the feeling of pressure in the eyes, the letters when reading becomes fuzzy.
Based glasses apply for vision correction. Especially needed with a tendency to squint and with the already developed seducing.
In preschool age, a constant correction is needed by positive lenses even with a small limblaidity. Points are prescribed when working at close range, and with a high degree - for constant wearing. With proper optical correction, it is possible to maintain good vision and disability.
Prevention of hyperopia
Treat far-sightedness, especially in children, should a doctor. He will pick the right points and prescribe appropriate treatment. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the body, limit the auditorium. All requirements that relate to myopia must be performed and disease-suffering patients. Treatment will be more efficient if along with the appointments of the doctor apply folk methods.
- 5 shredded with a shell of walnuts mix with 2 st.L. Big root Large and 2 st.L. Nuts of downtown, pour 1.5 liters of water, boil 15 minutes and add 4 st.L. mixtures; 50 g of the root of medicinal, the grass of the gadychnik viscous, the flowers of acacia white, the mixture of Icelandic Moss, 1 h.L. Cinnamon, 1 lemon. Boil 15 minutes again, drink 40-70 ml 2 hours after meals.
Consume vegetables and herbs: carrots, beets, cucumbers, celery, chicory, parsley, spinach, garlic, dill in the fresh form. Drink fresh juice from these plants.
- There are fresh berries of blueberries or jam from it 2-3.L. 3-4 times a day. It is very useful for improving vision and reduced fatigibility when working.
- There are fresh berries of cherry, make a row from her pulp. 2 C.L. Cherry leaf pour 2 glasses of boiling water, insist 1 hour, drinking 0.5 glasses 2 times a day.
- When washing, carefully spare cold water. Gradually increase the number of splasions up to 40 times. It enhances blood circulation.
- For the prevention of elderly hyperopia to make a massage of fingers and legs. It is necessary for 1 minute thoroughly massage all fingers one by one, paying particular attention to the index. Similarly to massage your fingers, paying attention to the fourth. Press the point in the middle of the palm of the pillow of the index finger for 1 minute.
- Pour 50 g of grasses 1 l boiling water, insist 3 hours, drink 0.5 cup 3-4 times a day.
- Fill 2 glasses of hot and cold water. Alternately bring to the eye a glass, lower the eye into the water, blink, watch through it, moving through your eyes and centuries in different directions. Classes time - 5-7 seconds. Then repeat the same with a glass of cold water. Do it daily when washing, better several times a day, it will accelerate the treatment.
So need to do for a long time - until six months. But after a month you will have an improvement, visual acuity will increase. Time classes need to build up, bringing up to 5 minutes to each eye. Change several times per session hot water, finally cold water. There are no contraindications to these procedures.
Treatment can be accelerated if we do procedures several times a day, switch to vegetarian food and treatment with raw vegetables and juices. Very useful carrot juice.