Hard and scary to imagine life without the possibility to see.
Only with age we begin to feel what big load we expose our eyes every day. Elderly people often have signs of impairment of view, such as, for example, difficulties in reading, when letters become blurred. If the vision really worsens, everyday life becomes more difficult, and we need help in the easiest situations.

Eyes — This is our window into the world. With their help, we perceive and appreciate more than half of all the information around us.
Eyes — This is a mirror of the soul. They reflect our inner world, show emotions, give the face a unique expression.
Hard and scary to imagine life without the possibility to see.
Only with age we begin to feel what big load we expose our eyes every day.
Elderly people often have signs of impairment of view, such as, for example, difficulties in reading, when letters become blurred. If the vision really worsens, everyday life becomes more difficult, and we need help in the easiest situations.
According to statistics, only in Germany there are 2 million older people suffering from age macular degeneration (NMD) — disease, due to which you can lose sight. In total in the world, according to UN, Currently from 25 to 30 million people with NMD. Life expectancy gradually increases, and this gives reason to assume that the number of people suffering from the ISD will also increase. According to some estimates, the general figure can grow in 3–4 times over the next 30–40 years.1 NMD becomes a widespread diseaseone, In Western countries, it has already become the leading cause of blindness.
This disease occurs as a result of the destruction of the retinal cells and leads to serious damage to the central vision. Despite the fact that lateral eyesight is usually preserved, a person suffering from age macular degeneration becomes difficult to distinguish between objects and people. Often gradual loss of vision due to NDD means a violation of color and contrast for a person, in the worst case — full loss of central vision.
Age macular degeneration is one of the main causes of vision loss in people over 50 years. With age, exchange processes may violate. This leads to the appearance of deposits under the retina that reduce the visual function. In addition to natural age processes, other factors, such as hypertension, improper nutrition, overweight or smoking also contribute to the progression of. On some of these factors, we can affect; In our power to quit smoking or enrich your diet for the substances necessary to protect healthy vision for many years.
Currently, special vitamin and mineral complexes containing useful microelements are widely used. However, not all complexes are in their composition Lutein and Zeaxanthin — substances necessary for full protection. The body cannot produce lutein and zeaxanthin independently, so it is recommended to regularly take these substances with food.
This can help ochevit® Lutein, which contains a unique combination of essential nutrients. Okuvait® Lutein — This is a vitamin and mineral complex that has won the confidence of people around the world.
Efficiency Nutricity Okawyite® Lutein is achieved due to the content of Lutein and Zeaxanthin. These substances are a blue light filter, neutralize free radicals, thereby reducing the oxidative stress, partially due to which the aging process occurs in the retina.
Lutein and Zeaxantine are so-called «inner sunglasses» retina protecting it from damage.
Protective retinal safety mechanism
People suffering from age macular degeneration also have an increased need for vitamins C and E, as well as zinc. These trace elements play an important role in the retinal protective system. Okuvait® Lutein contains these essential protective substances in the required quantity.
Nutrutchik Okuvita® Lutein was designed in accordance with the food needs of people suffering from NMD. Okuvait® Lutein is recommended by the ophthalmologists of Russia to protect visual functions.
What is nutraceses?
This new word is borrowed from English and means nutrition plus medicine. Nutrichetics — These are products containing biologically active components that provide medical and generalifying effects. Nutricheses include antioxidants, fatty acids, as well as other components of plant origin, which may have preventive and therapeutic effect.
«Have you ever seen a rabbit in glasses?»
This statement appeared not by chance. After all, rabbits constantly get carotenoids from carrots and spinach.
In order to get with food the same number of carotenoids, we would only have to do that there are vegetables and fruit all day.
one ÄRzte Zeitung Extra, 19.09.2008