Again spin hurts. What helps?


Again the back hurts. What will help?
One of the most frequent diseases encountered in neurological practice is currently osteochondrosis. And such a form, like a cervical osteochondrosis, gradually goes to the first place and suffer from it more and more often young people. One of the reasons for this phenomenon — Mass distribution of computer equipment, as a result of which young people spend a lot of time in a static sitting position. The constant tension of the muscles of the neck and shoulder belt, weak muscle corset, disorders of the posture, hypodynamine lead to muscle spasms, impaired blood supply to the muscles and the structure of the spine, the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in it. Painfulness with osteochondrosis of the cervical (pain in the neck and shoulders, headache, numbness and pain in hand and t. D.), as well as impairment of vision, dizziness and other symptoms caused by dystrophy of the cartilaginous layer of intervertebral discs, decrease their height, squeezing the nerve endings and blood vessels.

Like all other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the cervical osteochondrosis requires qualified medical care and comprehensive treatment. To date, the complex treatment of the cervical osteochondrosis includes a special treatment physical culture, massage, the periodic wearing of a special orthopedic collar and, of course, the use of medication drugs.

The main task of drugs used in osteochondrosis is anesthesia and relief of the inflammatory process, restoring and improving the nutrition of the spine structures, primarily intervertebral disks. For this, NSAIDs, antispasmodics, chondroprotectors are applied. Physiotherapy procedures, massages, acupuncture and acupressure are directed to this. In the complex, all this gives a good effect, but requires considerable temporary and financial costs. In addition, many drugs have contraindications and side effects that limit — And sometimes they exclude the possibility of their use, especially for a long time.

New in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
But not so long ago, the means of a new generation appeared, allowing to effectively treat osteochondrosis without harm to the body. These are therapeutic anti-inflammatory painkillers. Among them, especially high efficiency in the treatment of diseases of the spine showed a new drug — Therapeutic plaster of DorsaPlast. It features a fast and long-term pain relief effect, as well as a comprehensive effect on all structures — Muscles, bundles, joints, cartilage spinal cloth.

Soft heat in combination with a magnetic field contributes to the improvement of local blood and lymphorage, decrease in blood stagnation, inflammation and pain in the affected area. It does not contain hormones, NSAIDs and absolutely safe. Can be used as in complex therapy, so independently. The use of DorsaPlast in comprehensive therapy allows you to speed up the recovery process and reduce the deadline for receiving the NSAID.

Therapeutic anesthetic anti-inflammatory plaster of Dorsamplast can be used not only short, but also for long courses. During the course application, it significantly improves the state of the joints and ligaments. Dorsaplast can be used both as the main therapeutic agent and complex treatment in combination with other drugs.

Unlike oceans and gels used for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the patchplast plaster is much more convenient in use. It does not leave traces on the skin, does not dock clothes and is valid until 12 o'clock. The fixing base of the plaster has a bodily color, which makes it almost inconspicuous and allows you to use at any time of day and anywhere.

Therapeutic anti-inflammatory plaster of Dorsaplast can be called one of the achievements of modern medicine, allowing to effectively deal with various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, improve the condition and improve the quality of life of patients.

Read more about the medicinal plaster of DorsaPlast read on the site

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