Types of Keratitis: Know the enemy in the face


  • How keratitis develops
  • Causes and types of keratitis
  • Do not self-medicate

  • How

    Keratitis develops

    Keratitis is the inflammatory disease of the cornea - transparent, consisting of surprisingly subtly fitted collagen fibers, which, as a wad glass, limits the eye in front. Keratitis is accompanied by rude disorders not only the mirror surface of the cornea, but also deeper by the tissue.

    Sweets and other manifestations of inflammation make the cornea rough, thickened. It is gradually dying and unfolded its outer cells, and finally there is a disintegration of corneal fibers and the replacement of their coarse opaque scar cloth. After inflammatory phenomena subscribe, at the site of the focus of inflammation is formed. Its intensity and sizes can be different, from invisible, as doctors say, cloud-like cloudy, almost no violation of vision, to a coarse, becoming the cause of blindness. You probably saw a person with a belly on the eye. So Belmo is the outcome of heavy keratitis.

    Causes and types of keratitis

    Types of Keratitis: Know the enemy in the faceThe main thing at Keratitis is not a single day of delay in a visit to the specialist. Each missing day threatens more intense infiltration of the focus of inflammation in the cornea, and therefore, a coarse scar or a wider lesion zone. The increase in the focus of inflammation even one millimeter in the direction of the center of the cornea can cause irreversible loss of vision. In rare cases, the entire dramatic process of inflammatory destruction of the cornea until it can be played during only two or three days!

    Causes of keratitis are very diverse. This is more often infection, the pathogens of which penetrate into the tissue of the cornea endogenous, that is, from the body, or exogenous - from the outside.

    Endogenous keratitis can be due to chronic diseases - tuberculosis, syphilis, brucellosis, herpes, diseases of the nasopharynx, teeth, as well as metabolic disorders, hypo- and avitaminosis, drug allergies.

    Exogenous keratitis causes from outside microorganisms - bacteria, viruses, mushrooms, as well as mechanical, physical or chemical injuries. Complicated by keratitis Chronic diseases of the eyelids (blepharitis), conjunctivations (conjunctivitis) and lacrimal pathways (dacryocystitis).

    Keratit usually makes itself felt immediately. Suddenly appear lights, tear, redness of conjunctiva, feeling of the foreign body, pain in the eye. Sometimes these phenomena are so pronounced that a person cannot open an eye. If the inflammatory process is localized in the central part of the cornea, from the first day, visual acuity is significantly reduced; The foci of inflammation, located along the edge of the cornea, at first, do not affect.

    Almost all patients with keratitis need inpatient treatment. Transmission of infection from a ceratitis patient with a healthy or patient with keratitis caused by another cause does not occur. Therefore, to give up hospitalization from fearing infection is unwise!

    Most frequent (66.7%) Herpety keratitis, that is, the inflammation of the cornea caused by herpes virus. Another 15-20 years ago, very little knew about herpetic infection, although her manifestations are familiar to everyone. Herpes is still in the spaciousness called fever, which crepts with painful lips bubbles, nose wings, various areas of skin, mucous membranes. The appearance of these bubbles on the cornea and their subsequent ulceration is a herpety keratitis.
    Herpes has an amazing feature, deciphered by scientists only in recent years. A person's infection usually occurs in early childhood through the mucous membrane of the mouth and nasopharynx, as a rule, without causing clinical manifestations. The virus is set in nervous nodes and usually remains inactive throughout the human life. But with the conditions unfavorable for the body, the virus can move into active state and reaching the cornea nervous ways, cause inflammatory disease. Such unfavorable factors are influenza disease, malaria, tuberculosis, damage to teeth and apparel sinuses, supercooling, radiation impact, long stay in the sun, avitaminosis, stressful states, surgical interventions, the use of drugs that suppress immune protection, such as corticosteroids.

    For a person who has already undergone acute keratitis, it is these factors often cause a relapse of the disease. Moreover, herpety keratitis is dangerous not so much the first attack, which can be very easy as with its relapses. And they are noted in 25-75% of patients. With each recurrence, the revival of the cornea is becoming more dense, extensive, up to coarse Belma. With a herpes infection, 60% of blindness caused by the defeat of the cornea.

    Do not self-medicate

    The fate of the eye largely depends on the patient. First, it is necessary, as already mentioned, immediate consultation of a specialist who will prescribe specific antheherpetic drugs in the form of droplets, ointments, tablets or injections. It must be borne in mind that a number of active antibacterial and even antiviral drugs are useless and, moreover, hardened with herpetic keratitis. That is why self-medication is extremely dangerous. For example, antibiotics, highly efficient with bacterial keratitis, but uncontrolled patients themselves in herpetic keratitis, can lead to a protracted flow and severe complications. An even more dangerous application of the patient of corticosteroids: the first deceptive impression of a favorable effect may change with a heavy complication, right up to the death of the eye. On the contrary, corticosteroids appointed by a doctor in the appropriate dose and at a certain stage of treatment, its brilliant helpers.

    Only treatment T-activist reduces 3-4 times the number of disease returns. Other methods can be used to appoint a doctor. That is why everyone suffering from herpetic keratitis must necessarily be on a long-term dispensary accounting. This allows you to combine the absorption reducing treatment (drug, physiotherapeutic, surgical) with anticorcidational therapy courses.

    If you scratched your eyes, Sorinka got into it - contact the doctor immediately! Only complex drug treatment, and, if necessary, surgical intervention will help prevent misfortune.

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