What to do if the bleeding gums

Finding one morning the blood on a toothbrush, you probably were upset. But after cleaning the teeth, the gums stopped bleeding. This does not mean that the problem has disappeared! The bleeding of the gum can lead to the loss of teeth and very terrible, poorly dental dental diseases. The first question that should be asked if with the bleeding gums - «Why?».

Finding one morning the blood on a toothbrush, you probably were upset. But after cleaning the teeth, the gums stopped bleeding. This does not mean that the problem has disappeared! Our site will tell you what to do if the bleeding gums and how it can be fraught.

Why bleeding gums?

What to do if the bleeding gums
The first question, who asks a man with bleeding gums - «Why?». And it is important to answer it correctly! Look at your toothbrush - how long have you changed it, what is its rigidity? After all, injury gums easily even with an excessive nagged on the brush! Perhaps your toothpaste contains too aggressive components. Many of us thanks to advertising «Pickages» on whitening pastes, not suspecting their traumatic effect on dental enamel and gums!

Another important point - oral hygiene. You know how to correct your teeth? How long does this manipulation last? You use dental thread, rinse for mouth, make your mouth after each meal? Do you have carious teeth? All these moments depends on the health of not only the oral cavity, but also the body as a whole!

Bleeding gums can with unbalanced nutrition. People who are fond of the use of carbohydrates, more often suffer from bleeding gums. With such nutrition, the body misses vitamins C, and, to, many important trace elements - fluorine and calcium. Gyuo- or Avitaminosis is the root cause of bleeding gums.

However, this phenomenon is observed under a number of dangerous diseases - Sugar diabetes, Leukemia, hemophilia, gingvite, periodontitis, periodontal disease, may be a consequence of the uncontrolled reception of some antibacterial drugs. That is why, the sooner you consult a dentist with your problem, the most likely there will be your complete cure.

What to do?

What to do if the bleeding gums
I hope honestly answering all the above questions, you approximately identified weak points in the care of the oral cavity. What to do next? Draw out! Give yourself 3-5 days to correct the situation. Clean, get the mouth, start drinking a complex of vitamins (very good now and for men, and for women), follow the nutrition. Throw smoking - it is tobacco aggravates the state of the gums. Change the old toothbrush on the brush with soft bristles, and change the toothpaste to the more gentle. Hold your mouth at least clean water after each food eating.

The pharmacy has special toothpastes for pregnant women - they are safe, strengthen gums, reduce their bleeding. Pasta Pastent helped me. Bloodfaction is often found in pregnant women and the elderly - their gums become loose and sensitive. Therefore, manufacturers of pastes and create special series.

Try to make a simple gum massage. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap (at least 20 seconds!) and masse the gums in the direction of the jaw to the teeth, as if pulling the skin on the teeth. So you quickly improve the blood supply to the gums. But listen to the advisers recommending to massage the gums with a rigid toothbrush, is fraught with only aggravation of the situation.

Will in the morning oak bark - buy in a pharmacy and follow the instructions. This grass has a strong astringent effect, it is used for rinsing in dentistry. You can combine the oak boron with a chamomile or calendula - they also have antibacterial effects.

All this must be done necessarily, and if you have not noticed improvements in a few days - sign up for the reception to the paradontologist or your dentist! It should not be carried out experiments, ate bleeding from the gum was really strong, the gums were blushed (healthy pink color), swollen and you are hard to eat! In such cases, let the specialist understand the diagnosis and prescribes treatment!

The bleeding of the gum can lead to the loss of teeth and very terrible, poorly dental dental diseases. One of my friends in 49 years lost almost all his teeth. He drove everything, did not go to the doctor, until earned periodontal disease, to treat which was not yet learned! So, do not look for excuses, hurry to the doctor!

How to treat bleeding

What to do if the bleeding gums
Do not think that you will be treated in dentistry! Usually, special gels for local applications are used to treat bleeding (for example, Metrogyl Denta or Holovaal). They possess an anesthetic and antibacterial effect and quickly improve the state of the gums. There are medicinal products that enhance the protective properties of the mouth mucosa (IMUDON). Also in dental practice use various procedures that improve the state of the gums. You will definitely make teeth cleaning, dental stones will remove carious cavities. Only guide «order» In the mouth, you can defeat any dental problem!

Once stood in line at the pharmacy, the man went, was asked without turn. And says the pharmacist - all the teeth hurt - let's something! They gave him medicines for a solid amount, a man, leaving, said: «Better die, but I will not go to the dentist!». I still remember his words - it's terrible, you need to be sure to overcome fear, find «His dentist» and live without pain!

In addition to the office procedures and the fulfillment of the recommendations of the doctor, you must carefully monitor the state of the oral cavity. You can rinse the mouth with a salt solution (a teaspoon of sea salt on a glass of warm water), it will be good to add there and a complete spoonful of soda. Just do not get the mouth too intense, with problem gums the movement of water in the oral cavity should be slow.

Our site wishes all healthy teeth and strong gums!

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