Trachoma. Ways transfer trachomas


  • Ways transfer trachomas
  • Manifestation of trachomas
  • Treatment and trachi prevention

  • Trachoma is a severe disease of the organ of vision caused by special microorganisms - chlamydia, which amazes conjunctiva, cornea, tear bodies, eyelids. Type (strain) of chlamydia, which cause trachom disease, anywhere else in the human body can not exist. In the pre-revolutionary Russia, the trachom was widespread and was the main cause of blindness.

    Ways transfer trachomas

    Trachoma. Ways transfer trachomas The source of infection is a person sick trachoma.

    The infection is transmitted with separated (pussy, mucus, tear fluid) affected by the fuck eye. Mounted relatively small persistence of trachoma pathogen in relation to physical agents. It is destroyed when heated to 50 degrees for half an hour, drying at a temperature of 32 degrees for half an hour, also makes it inactive.

    The transfer of infection is possible with contaminated hands, through the items used by the patient (towels, shawls, etc.)

    Of particular importance is the use of in the family with general potential or shared bedding.

    Of great importance in the spread of trachoms have flies that can carry the purulent trachoma deceived from the eye from the eye, and through their eyes healthy people.

    Trachoma - a kind of «Family disease»: other family members of the family are usually ill and others.

    In infection of trachoma of schoolchildren, the major role is played by the family, schools can be a place of infection extremely rare. The most often infection of trachoma occurs in childhood.

    Manifestation of trachomas

    Trachoma begins gradually and imperceptibly. Complaints on the feeling of gravity in the eyelids, the feeling of sand in the eyes, bonding the eyelids in the morning. Gradually, the thickening of the conjunctiva, which acquires a cherry shade. Then thick bubbles appear in the thickness of the mucous membrane, the surface of the conjunctiva becomes buggy. The thickening of the mucous membrane continues, it is protruding from the eye slit, reminding «Cocking scallops». Gradually, the cornea is involved in the process. Bubbles (follicles) are formed on it, which then turn into pits. The whole cornea thickens, becomes muddy. This state of the cornea is called the trachomatous pannus (curtain). After anemia of the acute process, the scarring occurs, which captures not only superficial, but also deep fabrics. Bornery exposed and cornea.

    Treatment and trachi prevention

    For the treatment of trachomas, laying in a conjunctival bag of ointments with antibiotics from 3 to 6 times a day for three months, or once a day is laying a dibiomycinal ointment. Sometimes you have to remove follicles using special tools.

    For the prevention of distribution and repeated diseases of the trachoma, given the data on the paths of trachoma distribution, it is necessary to especially carefully monitor compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in families where there is a patient trachoma. The struggle against flies is also very important.

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