Help hair Sam


    Say: no, baldness

    Sooner or later, every person faces the problem of baldness. Men and women, old men and young people suffer from baldness. No one is insured against him, but there are some aspects that prevent excessive hair loss. In order to designate a number of events that prevent baldness, let's see why some people have a thick brilliant hair, and others begin to lie barely reaching thirty years old. First of all, the baldness generated by the hereditary predisposition of the person. This is the most unpleasant side of the baldness, since he depends on a person in this case. It can only apply any preventive methods to prevent early baldness.

    Baldness has other parties. For example, baldness caused by a hormonal failure in the body. The most striking example is baldness in pregnant women or women in the lactation period. Baldiction may occur as a side effect of taking specific drugs, incorrect hair care or harmful lifestyle. And you think you think that a repurchased pack of cigarettes or five cups of coffee can not be influenced by baldness. Bad habits and improper lifestyle – Here are the main factors of baldness!

    Help your hair myself

    Help hair SamWhatever the causes of baldness and excessive hair loss, it is necessary to deal with the problem. If you have noticed that a large amount of hair accumulates on your clothes or comb, then you need to beat the alarm! «A large amount of hair – how much is this?» - you can ask you and you will be right. For one person a large number – it's 20, and for another – 120. To dispel all the doubts immediately say that my hairdresser believes that after the day, no matter how many times you are broken, in the evening you should carefully examine your comb. At the same time, some hairdressers say that on average you should not lose more than 70 hair daily. If you saw a lot more hair on the comb, then it's time to think about something in your life is wrong. Most problems with hair loss lies in the way of life we ​​lead.

    Permanent stress, raising nervousness, improper nutrition, insufficient vitamins – This is not the entire list of reasons, because of which we lose our hair. Thus, finding all signs of hair loss, try to take a small vacation, go to nature or to the resort, relax, eat only fresh vegetables and fruits and you will immediately notice how much better you will look like you and your hair. Of course, these simple tools will slightly reduce the loss of your hair, but they will not be able to completely stop the level of baldness. Often hair loss requires a longer treatment.

    Prevention of hair loss

    Help hair SamEach of us God gives a certain color of the skin, hair, eye, the shape of the nose and face and is equally important for any person, the presence of thick and healthy hair. Lucky those who have no hair from nature dense and shiny, but what to do those whom Nature has tried? The answer is simple. It is necessary to try to save what is given to us from birth, and try to improve the qualitative characteristics of rare hair. First of all, start from your lifestyle and nutrition. In addition, it is advisable to take vitamin hair complexes. The main vitamins for our hair are vitamins A and E. A good helper in the prevention of hair loss will serve vitamin complexes, which is designed specifically to prevent hair loss and the treatment of baldness.

    The most common product containing vitamin A is carrots, eggs and fish oil. And vitamin E rich nuts, seeds and sunflower oil. In addition to vitamin complexes, I recommend daily in the morning and in the evening to make a head massage. To do this, you can use the usual wooden massage brush. For your hair, a wooden massage comb is most suitable for your hair, everything else is contraindicated. Throw plastic, glass or metal comb! In your arsenal there must be only wooden scallops and combs.

    How to treat hair loss

    If you just started hair loss, then not everything is lost, and you can also restore your hair. Often with the problem of sharp hair loss faced women after childbirth and during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the female organism undergoes hormonal changes or actively loses calcium. Surely, you heard stories that pregnant women eat chalk and plaster, igniteing calcium content in the body. In this case, whatever the cause of hair loss, it is necessary to intervene in the process of loss of thick and beautiful chapels. Women are much harder to carry hair loss than men.

    What can be done after childbirth

    Once a week it is necessary to do such a simple mask: 1 tablespoon of rapid oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon calendula tincture, 1 tablespoon of onion juice and 1 yolk. All ingredients are mixed in ceramic dishes, and the resulting mask rubs into the roots of the hair.

    After you laid the mask, cover your head with a hat for lining, and the head is covered with a towel or handkerchief. The main thing is that the hair surface of the head was warm. Leave a mask for 40 minutes, then thoroughly wash it off with warm water and wash your head.

    In addition, after washing the heads, wechit the hair with decoction of various herbs: chamomile, nettle and burdock. For the fastest hair restoration, it is recommended to additionally rub the calendula tincture into the scalp.

    What to do if they fall out

    Methods of combating baldness Many: many drugs are invented, there are various massages, procedures for the prevention of hair loss, modern methods of transplanting and lusion of hair. But which one is best to choose. After all, regardless of the thickness of the wallet, we all want to look good.

    Men in this sense lucky more, because today bald men are more and more. Women go crazy from bald film actors and recognized idols are Fyodor Bondarchuk and Bruce Willis. But not enough – Bald women so far in the beauties no one writes. Moreover, most of men according to statistics prefer women with long dense hair. So women are removed, as soon as money can be allowed. Some wigs and chignons buy, others increase their hair, and the third engaged in the treatment of hair. The cheapest means to decorate your head chic champoo is a wig or shignon. Naturally wigs and chignons are made of natural and artificial hair. The difference between them is huge! If you do not want to look like a doll, then buy a wig made of good quality hair.

    Yet the most reliable means for beautiful chapelurs was and there will be hair loss. Keep and prove your hair!

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