Androgenic alopeco. We study more


    Blame hormones and genes

    Androgen alopeco. We study moreIt is a hair loss, often a genetic, caused by one of the following reasons: excessive content of male sex hormone DGT (dehydrootestosterone) and increased sensitivity of hair bulbs to hormone. Dehydrootroseron, acting on the bulb (follicle) of the hair, causes a reduction in the growth stage, so that the hair is prematurely entering the stage of rest, followed by the dropping stage.

    Often androgenic alopecia accompany signs of fatty seborrhea (dandruff) and acne (acne), it is possible to excess hair growth on the face and other parts of the body. Men androgen alopecia usually starts from the front of the hair line and moves to the top. Women have a progressive thinning and hair loss throughout the head and, especially in the area of ​​the sample.

    As you know, during puberty increases the production of Androgen organism - men's genital hormones. Young men and girls decreases the release of estrogen - women's hormones. At the age of 18-25, the body produces a lot of skin salts, which has a negative impact on hair growth. It is during this period that androgenic baldness is most often occurring. Hair becomes thin and soft. Slisses appear on the side areas of forehead, there is an intensive hair loss on the top of the top.

    In androgen baldness, the leading role is played by genes and sex hormones. Scientists found out that the infrared gene is transmitted by the maternal line through the generation and manifests itself in men. I recommend everyone who has baldness began, learn whether the hair has fallen away from the father or the great-grandfather of the mother, as well as other relatives on the maternal line. If this fact is confirmed, you most likely have an increased content of testosterone sex hormone in follicles. It is this hormone that negatively affects the hair onions, as a result of which the hair cease to grow.

    Was there such baldness in women

    In women, the picture is somewhat different: in the case of normal concentration of androgens in the blood - an androgenic alopecia on the female type is noted; With a significant increase - on the male type. In addition, among the reasons leading to the baldness in women, it is necessary to note the pathological changes in the ovaries, adrenal glands, a noticeable decrease in the number of estrogen (female sex hormones) after childbirth, the reception of some contraceptive drugs, which include substances leading to an increase in blood androgen levels.

    As manifest

    External manifestations of androgen alopecia are sufficiently characteristic. In men, it develops, as a rule, closer to 20 years, in women - in 20-30 years. There is a hair loss that occurs waveled, alternating with the rapid periods. It is often combined with an increase in the activity of the sebaceous glands, which causes patients to wash the head more often, which further enhances hair loss. Hair gradually thinned, becomes more colorless. Due to the shortening of the antenage phase (phase of the hair growth), the length of the hair also becomes less.

    How to recognize

    Detect this condition in men is almost always simple, and only with the aim of selection of individual treatment, it is desirable to conduct a number of clarifying diagnostic tests (primarily the study of the liver function, the state of the prostate gland). For women, even if there is an explicit genetic predisposition to baldness, taking into account the severity of the psychological component, often forming a vicious circle and leading to the resistant depression, hair spawning is always a pathology. From the final loss of women, women saves noticeably less than in men, sensitivity to the use of androgen exchange products.


    Due to the fact that in recent years, the issue of studying the causes and mechanism for the development of this disease has greatly advanced, it became possible to achieve success in the treatment of androgenic baldness. When androgenic alopecia is useful vitamin B and zinc. Vitamin B blocks androgen action. Zinc under local application reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands. Numerous animal studies have proven zinc ability to promote hair growth. Therefore, with androgenic alopecia, nutritional compositions and shampoos need to be used. With androgenic baldness, cosmetologists recommend applying formulations that improve the structure and appearance of the hair. Each man must be prepared for the treatment of androgenic alopecia long-term. It needs to repeat from time to time. If all of the listed methods do not give positive results, you can contact clinics engaged in implantation and hair transplantation.

    With this problem, the greatest impact on the state of hair and the scalp is provided:

    • Vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, Bioflavonoids
    • Magnesium microelements (MG), silicon (SI), sulfur (s), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), phosphorus

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