Why need to measure eye pressure?


  • What unites eye and balloon?
  • The field of view is narrowed gradually
  • Reduced intraocular pressure is rare
  • LED glasses and miracle drops do not help
  • To see well...
  • Important!
  • On a note
  • by the way
  • Device Eye «Dark»

  • What unites eye and balloon?

    In order to understand what is intraocular pressure (WSD), imagine an air balloon. Due to the pressure inside it is supported by the form. Also, the eye pressure supports the spherical shape of the eye and ensures its nutrition.

    WGD is formed in the process of inflow and outflow of the liquid inside the eye. When it stands out more than the norm or the outflow is disturbed, the eye pressure rises. Also, the reasons for this may be anatomical features of the structure of the eye, the disorder of the activity of the cardiovascular system.

    Increased pressure can lead to the development of chronic disease — Glaucoma, which cannot be fully cured, and in 30% of cases it leads to irreversible blindness.

    Field of zren

    Iya narrows gradually

    With elevated VGD inside the eye, the sensitive cells of the retina and the optic nerve are destroyed, metabolic processes are violated. But the most terrible thing that the person himself may not even guess the vision until it falls to such an extent that it will not be possible to notice.

    Why do you need to measure eye pressure? Why is this happening? The destructive processes inside the eye (glaucoma) caused by increased pressure, begin not from the central, but from the peripheral areas of view — The field of view is narrowed gradually.

    There is a common misconception that if you look at the light bulb or a candle and bridal circles arise before your eyes, it means that an intraocular pressure is increased. This is not entirely true, because such sensations may occur at very high pressure (about 40 mm RT. Post), when two steps left to loss of vision and the urgent help of an ophthalmologist is required.

    With a minor increase in intraocular pressure, heaviness can occur in the eyes, they quickly get tired, headache. But these symptoms patients often write down the usual fatigue and do not give them much importance, and in vain.

    If these troubles are bothering regularly, it is better not to postpone the visit to the ophthalmologist and pass the examination — Measure pressure, check the condition of the optic nerve and sight. After forty years, when the risk of glaucoma's disease increases, it is desirable to pass such a survey once a year.

    Recently, specialists began to highlight another form of glaucoma, which can also be found only during a full examination — It is accompanied by low or even normal pressure.

    In such cases, even normal pressure is considered dangerous high for a particular eye.

    Reduced intraocular pressure is rare

    Reduced VGD, although it is rare, but no less dangerous. His reasons — underdeveloped eyeball, injuries, complications after operations. If the reduced WFD holds more than a month, the power of the eye structures is disturbed, and as a result of the eyes may die.

    LED glasses and miracle drops do not help

    Do not believe the falsevialists offering as a panacea from glaucoma drops of energetically charged water, information ophthalmological elixirs (IOE), microspheres, magnetic and LED glasses — Laser Vizhn, Super Vizhn and T. D.

    In order to reduce pressure, the doctor prescribes drops. Despite seemingly a simple appointment, the process of treatment requires constant surveillance — Side effects or eyes may appear simply get used to drops, then the treatment scheme is changed.

    If the drops do not help, but at the same time you can use for one patient no more than three types of drugs, the question of the operation is raised — Laser or microsurgical, as a result of which a new path is created for fluid outflow from the eye or the old. But the operation once and forever does not eliminate glaucoma, it helps for a while, and the treatment process must be continued constantly.

    When glauer, there are no strict restrictions in the visual load — You can watch TV, read. You can not use liquids more than 2 liters per day (including fruits and soups), lift the gravity, work down your head.

    To see well...

    Why do you need to measure eye pressure? Reduce the risk of developing eye diseases and preserved vitamins and the products in which they contain:

    • vitamin A — Most orange vegetables and fruits (especially carrots) and blueberries;
    • Vitamin B1 — rice, vegetables, bird;
    • Vitamin B2 — milk, eggs, broccoli;
    • Vitamin B6 — whole grain, egg yolk, beer yeast, beans;
    • Vitamin B12 — meat, cheese, seafood;
    • vitamin C — Rosehip, sweet pepper, black currant, sea buckthorn, citrus
    • Vitamin RR — Coarse bread, fish, nuts, vegetables, meat, dried mushrooms.


    Increased intraocular pressure may be a symptom of hormonal failure in the body (Climax, disorders of the functions of the thyroid gland) or other diseases. In this case, it is not as dangerous, but requires constant observation by the ophthalmologist.

    For patients with glaucoma low blood pressure is more dangerous. With elevated — easier to save the power level of the eye nerve.

    Risk factors glaucoma: atherosclerosis, hyperopia, heredity.

    Glaucoma proceeds in 4 stages (IV stage, the most latter when the field of view is narrowed as much as possible).

    On a note

    Generally accepted clear norms of intraocular pressure no. It largely depends on the measurement method. The most common in Russia is: install special weights with precisely verified mass. In this case, the norm is considered to be pressure up to 26 mm RT. Art. However, recent studies have proven that 70% of healthy people are in the limits of 22 mm RT. Art.

    Also measured with a jet of air appliances — Pneumotonometers. There are several models of this device, and for each — His pressure standards. Therefore, whether you have a normal pressure, it is better to clarify the doctor.

    The process of measuring IOD in any way unpleasant, but painless.

    by the way

    Swimming and tennis will make the eyes of Zurcha. Scientists have proven that motor activity is very useful to preserve vision. Top Sports — Swimming, Tennis, Badminton, who train eye muscles and collar zone, improve blood circulation. But only if you play or swim at least half an hour. Therapeutic neck massage is also useful. Also, ordinary walks are also useful when we consider the surroundings and the items away.

    In addition to vitamins A, C, D and E, the eye is also needed by calcium. He strengthens the scler — Outdoor sheath eye. And recently, scientists find out that under myopia in the scler, there is a shortage of zinc, magnesium and iron. It means that a person prone to myopia is useful to complexes of vitamins with minerals.

    Device Eye «Dark»

    To give a little to the eyes of relaxing while working at the computer, American Okulist Dr. Bates offers a simple exercise.

    Why do you need to measure eye pressure? Sit at the table and go on the elbow. Shake your hands and relax wrists and fingers. Purit a palm one's friend until they become warm. Enact your head about hands and close your eyes with your palms. Fingers of both hands should intersect on the forehead. Try the hands to be completely relaxed and did not appear on the eyes. Palms must lie on the eyelids as if the dome.

    Feel darkness. In the dark in the photosensitive cells, the retina is formed very important for sight of Rhodopsin. Now your eyes are absolutely relaxed. Dark perception — This is the deepest relaxation for the eyes, during which they are restored.

    Imagine that look at the dark surface (for example, the smooth of the lake or the night sky), and it fills out all the field of view, transmitting a visual nerve into the center of the brain.

    After some time, some images will appear before your eyes, but do not resist this and come back gradually to everyday life. Eyes let you stay closed. First remove your hands from the eyes and feel the difference in brightness and temperature. And then when you will be ready, clutch and open your eyes.

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