Summer - season of problems with stomach!


Summer - season of problems with stomach!Many people in their lives are often faced with the problem of pain and gravity in the stomach, belching, heartburn or nausea, but we often have it so much that we do not pay for these unpleasant moments. Taking a tablet «Mesima», we run to work or just in your business. But such symptoms should not appear in a healthy person, and if you regularly encounter with at least one sign of them — You urgently need to turn to the gastroenterologist.

Summer problems with digestion torment us too often. Even those who have fruit wash up holes! Why in summer? Because it is the time of picnics, kebabs and pies on the beach. Because in the heat products spoil faster. And finally, because it is at this time of year, generous for delicious and useful, we begin to eat in a new way...

Sharp transition to another menu of the stomach and intestines do not like. Accustomed to dumplings and potatoes, they are not ready for kebabs, fried lamb and vegetable salads with unusual refills. All this can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Because of this, gastroenterologists advise on vacation at all and in the first days in particular to be cautiously.

Such a change of diet for the gastrointestinal tract — stress. Gastroenterologists recommend starting from gentle fruits — berries (raspberry, strawberry), young cucumbers, zucchini, wipes of carrots. There is another nuance: it seems to us that vegetables and fruits — food that is useful to everyone without exception and there is no much of it. But often raw fruit needs to be limited: not only with the exacerbation of the ulcers of the stomach or duodenum, but also with gastroenteritis, chronic colitis and T. D. Rough fiber annoying gastrointestinal tract.

In summer during the gastronomic «Holidays of belly» Something more serious meteorism or constipation can happen — Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), for example, or liver colic. The first can be identified by quite a strong pain, having a sinking character, and vomiting. In the hepatic colic, which is caused by the movement of stones in the bustling bubble, hurts in the right upper part of the abdomen (sometimes it seems that under the ribs), the pain is acute.

This is due to fatty food, alcohol, including not high-quality, fried or sharp dishes. Such situations require a doctor's help. All that can be done independently: with liver colic — Safety, with inflammation of the pancreas — cold, hunger and peace. The rest should do the doctor.

Many, feeling discomfort in the stomach, decide to forget about meat and completely «Go to salad». This is mistake! The least irritated digestive tract is needed rough fiber. She is good only if problems are associated with constipation. In other cases from raw cabbage, radish, radishes, apples, pumpkins, legumes, grapes and other fruits (mushrooms, by the way, too!) need to refuse to recovery.

Most often in the summer there are poisoning and aggravation of gastritis. In the heat it is easier to choose including because we drink a lot of liquid — Gastric juice that rises on the path of uninvited guests, diluted.

Our digestive system contains different acidity in each part, the food that fell into the stomach or esophagus is so possible, it annoys his walls strongly and can cause a dysplasia (this means moving to the tumor).

You can list a long time, but the above and outlined facts are abused so that you can motivate yourself and do not hesitate with this problem and turn to the doctor.

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