Treatment of noise in the head

Noise in the head - satellite of many residents of the metropolis. Noise of machines, construction workers, working office equipment reflected in the head and ears. But if you are sitting in silence, and in my head continues to noise, it means somewhere in your body a failure occurred and it is worth paying attention to your health.

Causes of the disease

Headache, pressure, neurology, nervous diseases, noise in the head

Noise in the head is not a disease, but one of her symptoms, therefore, the reasons for its occurrence may be somewhat. The most common and harmless is stress and fatigue. In these cases, noise occurs gradually after a serious labor day or any emotional overwork. Some special treatment does not require this noise, so that it goes through enough to drink sedative, and then relax well. With food must come vitamin in.

If the noise in the head occurs at the old age due to the fact that natural changes in the auditory apparatus occur, then the problem is usually the person remains until the end of life and cannot be treated.

Most often, the aneurysm of the brain vessels is becoming noise in the head or circulatory disruption inside. With these diseases, in addition to noise in the head there is also a pulsating pain. If you have found such signs, our site recommends contacting a neurologist immediately so that the disease does not move into a more severe form.

Another reason for noise in the head is atherosclerosis. With this disease, cholesterol plaques are formed in the brain vessels, blood begins to move faster and thereby produces noise. In addition, there are less oxygen in the vessels and it leads to oxygen starvation, which is also one of the cause of noise in the head. Like I vegeto-vascular dystonia, If there is such a disease, you need to take vasodilating drugs, as well as check the level of glucose and blood adrenaline. All diseases of the cardiovascular system affect the speed of blood flow through the veins, which also provokes sound phenomena in the brain.

But not only the vessels are always faulty noise. Kidney can also be his cause. And only the consultation of the urologist will help determine whether there are disorders in the work of the kidneys. The noise will also be due to curvature or damage to the spine, especially the cervical department. Blood, which goes through the vertebral vessels, falling on the obstacle, does not enter the brain in the required quantity, which is why there is an unpleasant feeling.

Another cause of noise are the diseases of the endocrine system. It happens that the sound in the head is a sign of the presence of a tumor or head injury. Only a doctor can determine the true reason.

Diagnosis of the disease

Headache, pressure, neurology, nervous diseases, noise in the head

First of all, it is necessary to determine the reason for the occurrence of noise in the head. If, besides this sign, the heads of finger hands are hurting and spinning, it means you need to treat such a disease as Osteochondrosis. You need to drink preparations from a group of chondoprotectors and be sure to do exercises for the back and spine.

If a person does not look at her age, and older, on the eyelids he has a small swelling with yellowish skin, around the iris, there is a grayish arc around the iris, it is quite possible that man is sick atherosclerosis. In this case, the patient is prescribed special nutrition rich in fish, vegetables, in which there are no smoked foods, oily food, sweet. Among drugs can designate «Atheroblock» and «Vitrum Cardio».

At elevated pressure, which is almost always accompanied by noise in the head, it is necessary to drink hypotensive drugs. When receiving any medicines, you need to carefully read the instructions, perhaps noise - this is one of the side effects. And sometimes this sound occurs due to sulfur plugs in the ears.

Treatment of noise in the head of folk methods

Headache, pressure, neurology, nervous diseases, noise in the head

There are several folk recipes that will help to cope with the noise in the head.

  1. It is necessary to clean the root of the shore and soak it for a couple of hours. Then rub it on a shallow grater, so that it turns out to be Cashier, measure the dining room of the horseradish and add it to the glass of sour cream. During meals you need to eat a tablespoon of this mixture.
  2. Milk the glass of milk and add 1 drop iodine, add a drop every day, reaching up to 10 drops at a time, the following ten days to reduce the number of iodine per drop per day. Then make a two-week break and again you can repeat the course of treatment. It is advisable to hold three such courses.
  3. Winning the noise will help and garlic. 200 grams clean and skip through a meat grinder, mix with a glass of alcohol. Leave broken two weeks, then strain, add 50 grams of propolis tincture and two tablespoons of honey. All ingredients mix well and leave the tincture for another three days. The medicine is taken for half an hour before the food is receiving three times a day, starting with 1 drops, each day add another one until 25 drops for reception.
  4. In equal proportions, becks and cranberry juice mix. Take three times a day of 60 grams. The course of treatment is not limited, but advised to take breaks for the week every month.
  5. Things based on herbs, especially Melissa and mints will help cope with noise in the head, if they arose against the background of fatigue. Tea can be drunk at any time of the day.

Prevention of the disease

Headache, pressure, neurology, nervous diseases, noise in the head

Preventive methods that will help your body:

  1. Timely dispensarization - this means that every person, even if he feels completely healthy, should be a medical examination, which is suitable for its age group. As practice shows, it is on such medical examinations most of the diseases at the initial stage that can be cured. Including the causes of noise in the head.
  2. A healthy lifestyle to which can be attributed Proper nutrition, Moderate physical exertion and timely rest, rejection of bad habits, outdoor. If you are working in the office, you must introduce yourself to habit to air every hour at least 10 minutes, and in the summer to keep the window on the ventilation constantly.
  3. Regular treatment of a detected chronic disease. This primarily concerns those who suffer increased Pressure. It happens that patients throw drinking medicines that must take a lifetime, hardly felt relief.

Cancel or assign any treatment can only attending physician. Therefore, at the first appearance of noise in the head, contact the precinct therapist or to the doctor to whom you trust.

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