Stomach ulcer, find out signs of the stomach and duodenal ulcers and what a diet needs, what is the ulcer of the stomach and the ways to treat it.
The ulcer develops against the background of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum and entails a peptic disease. Men from thirty to forty years are subject to this fear. That is, he is able to deprive the ability to be a relatively young population. The stomach ulcer has cyclical development: exacerbation periods (autumn and spring) are replaced by temporary gaps of calm. The main cause of this disease is the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium, capable of transmitted from person to man with long and close contact. Enzymes produced by her destroy the protective layer of the mucous membrane, interfere with normal cell operations and mucus production. Such violations lead to the formation of a stomach and duodenal ulcers. Related disease factors include frequent stress, bad habits, nutritional disorders and misuse.
Signs of stomach ulcers
The symptoms of ulcerative disease include:
- pain in the top of the abdomen with clear frequency and rhythm (often on an empty stomach);
- Heartburn: It is associated with the increased acidity of the gastric juice;
- «sour» belching — a consequence of a weak cardiac esophagus sphincter and stomach antiperistals (reverse food reverse);
- Constipation.
The nature of pain can also tell us a lot:
- The unpleasant sensations appearing immediately after eating and decreasing in a couple of hours are characteristic of an ulcer localized in the upper stomach department;
- discomfort that appears in a couple of hours after meals, speaks of an anthral semiconductor, mixing and eating food;
- Pains on the hungry stomach often happen at night and are characteristic of duodenal ulcers.
Perhaps asymptomatic development of the disease, which makes it difficult to make timely diagnosis. Complications of launched ulcers are extremely serious: bleeding (when it is preceded, the feces are painted black); Split — A through hole in the wall of the stomach or duodenum causing infection of the abdominal cavity is formed; Malignization — The property of the ulcer turn into malignant tumors. This gives reason to think about the importance of the treatment of peptic ulcer.
Treatment and diet with stomach ulcers
In the medication treatment of ulcer and duodenal ulcer and duodenal disease, preparations are needed to reduce the isolation in the organic acid, as well as antibacterial agents in cases of infection with Helicobacter Rylori. Large importance in the treatment of disease occupy irritable ways. Here much depends on the patient. The main task is to comply with the correct nutrition and regime. It is necessary to stick to the diet gentling a damaged organ. In the diet of people with peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcers include honey, it is characterized by a bactericidal effect and the ability to calm irritated acid mucosa. Eating cabbage (broccoli, color, brussels and white) will also benefit thanks to the content of sulforafan in it capable of killing the bacterium Helicobacter Rylori. If the state of the gastric medium is exacerbated, then instead of cabbage it is better to apply her juice. Healing ulcers helps yogurt with active biodeaders. But it will be necessary to refuse from acute and oily food, alcohol and coffee. When combating ulcerative disease from its menu, you should exclude any food that enhances the secretion of the stomach, food should not be very cold, nor very hot. Fans of cigarettes will have to quit smoking. To achieve success in treatment, it is necessary to avoid stressful situations and carefully comply with the appointment of a doctor.