Anomalies of the development of the limbs


  • Types of extremities development anomalies
  • Causes of the development of the extremities anomalies
  • Life with unforgettable

  • In approximately 1 case, babies with congenital defects for the development of limbs appear on 5,000 newborns. These anomalies can be expressed in varying degrees.

    Types of extremities development anomalies

    Anomalies of the development of the limbsExcessive growth of the limbs is called Macromelia (from Greek. Macros - Big and Melos - Limit).

    More often, however, the limb is underdeveloped or various defects of fingertips occur. In extreme cases, children are born, in which there is no one or more limbs at all. Such a severe malformation is called ecomelia. Sometimes there is no finite department of hands or feet. Then the end of the child's shoulder, lower legs or hips has a form of amputation cult (hemimelia).

    Sometimes congenital «Errors» In the development of the fetus, lead to the absence of a middle part of the limb. Such a situation doctors are called Focomelia; forearm or shin in this case starts straight from the body and reminds its appearance. At the forearm more often noted underdevelopment of radiation or elbow bones, which leads to the characteristic deformation of the hand. On the shin there is underdevelopment of the tibial or small -com bones or both bones at once, in connection with which the shin and foot deformations are developing.

    Causes of the development of the extremities anomalies

    Heavy vices like Etomelia or Focomelia are most often a consequence of failures in the process of intrauterine development, which may arise as a result of various toxic substances on the mother's body during pregnancy.

    The infamous example is the consequences of the actions of the talidomide drug, which in the second half of the 20th century, American women recommended applying to remove the symptoms of toxicosis in the process of pregnancy. Later it turned out that talidomide often leads to congenital reasons of the fetus, most often affecting the finiteness of the child. As a result, many children with underdeveloped limbs appeared in the country for a relatively short period of time. It was a real national tragedy! Another reason for the defects of the development of limbs - spikes that violate the correct development of the embryo. They can be found in the ultrasound examination of the pregnant.

    Life with unforgettable

    It may seem that such a heavy congenital ugliness, like Focomelia, can literally cross the human life from the first days. However, the story knows examples when people with such severe defects not only did not give up in their struggle for a decent life, but also achieved impressive success as a result of this struggle. For example, in Prussia born in 1848. Karl Herman Antan instead of the hands were short stumps, each of which ended with just one finger. Despite this, Karl could not only fully serve himself with the help of the fingers, but also learned to play violin. He could even change the string during a speech, deftly wielding his feet! The famous musician tours has not been toured by Europe, was in the USA, in Cuba, in Mexico and in some countries of South America. At the end of his life, he personally wrote his biography, which he called the famous sense of humor «Manuscript», but «Pediskript» (from Grech. Podos, Pedis - «leg»)!

    No less amazing vitality demonstrated in XVIII in. «Last-legged genius» Matias Buhinger. Despite Focomelia (he, in fact, there was no hands, no legs!), Matthias engaged in music, shot well, was inventor, married four times and gave 11 children! A striking example of victory over, it would seem in an inevitable rock!

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