Why the child creaks his teeth

At night you woke you unpleasant, sharp sound from the children's room. Your baby creaks his teeth again. «It may be worms», - They say grandmothers and advise to pass a survey.

In fact, the cause of the characteristic squeak of teeth, both at night, and during the day does not mean the presence of helminths. What exactly causes his teeth, the medical name of which - Bruxism, is unknown. But scientists allocate a number of factors that may be the cause of this phenomenon.

Causes of scraper

Bruxism, children, childhood diseases, teeth, creak teeth, teeth care

So let's deal with why children do that:

  1. The child is formed in the wrong bite.
  2. The child is discomfort, he became nervous and capricious.
  3. The child has increased almonds.
  4. Top cut.
  5. Violated Son.
  6. Healthy factor.

More about each of the reasons for the development of Bruxism will tell MirSovet.

  1. Often, the creak of teeth, coming from the children's room, can be due to the fact that the child is formed Incorrect bite of teeth either the child was born with congenital pathology of the development of jaws. To make sure that the baby is really all right, you need to get advice from a specialist - children's orthodontist. He will make a complete examination of the child and, if a problem with the wrong bite does, will help choose measures to help gradually get rid of this problem.
  2. If you put a problem on samonek and hope for «maybe everything goes by itself», You can run the problem and get the development of serious pathologies. In particular, such as:

    • Gradual erase of dental enamel can lead to early development Caries and severe sensitivity of teeth;
    • inflammation of the gums;
    • incorrect formation and growth of teeth.

    If your child has one of these problems, you should not fall into despair, modern dentistry has its own methods of getting rid of such problems, but still do not hope for a miracle. The earlier the problem is discovered and treatment has begun, the faster you can succeed.

    Bruxism, children, childhood diseases, teeth, creak teeth, teeth care

  3. Sleep disturbance. Pretty common problem in young children. Testing discomfort at night a child can for various reasons: he is hot, uncomfortable pajamas, natter diaper. If the child is not sleeping in the diaper, and his bladder is full - at night he may not control himself and purle in bed. Wet, cold sheets and pajamas - a fairly common phenomenon of the child's night concern.

    Also during sleep, the child can emotionally worry about the events of the past day, especially if he had stresses during the day. If the baby was offended, a lot of crying or he was punished - and this can also be the cause of bruxism.

    Cause of nightmare or frequent awakening at night can be the cause of the night grincling. In all cases, the child needs to show a children's neurologist.

  4. Heredity. And this also happens. Perhaps one of the parents, grandparents in childhood often creaked his teeth. Experts believe that such a children's habit can be inherited. By the way, as they say, the boys are more often susceptible to Bruxism. Pay attention to it. If your boy also creaks his teeth and day, and at night, ask his parents, perhaps you or your parents and even your grandparents did just. If you get an affirmative answer - you should not calm down. In any case, it is necessary to watch the kid and help him get rid of this problem.

Emotional equilibrium, strong healthy sleep, the lack of distracting factors during night sleep will allow your child to get rid of bruxism.


Bruxism, children, childhood diseases, teeth, creak teeth, teeth care

Each mother and every dad should know that every kid can periodically creak teeth. And to do it, he can not only at night, but also during the day. If this phenomenon has a single character - you do not need to worry. If the phenomenon is widespread in your house, take measures.

So, if the baby creaks his teeth often and the duration of the phenomenon is not more than 20 seconds - it makes no sense to worry. If the child does it often and for a long time, it is worth consulting with specialists.

Why a child creaks his teeth - will help to understand the problem of a neuropathologist and a dentist doctor. And even if in the area of ​​dentistry with the child everything is in order - it is still necessary to be observed. As already mentioned, with a frequent scripting, the child has a gradual erasing of the dental enamel, which can lead to the sensitivity of the teeth. So that this does not happen, the dentist can offer to wear a special child «Caps» or protective teeth nozzles.

In addition to this prevention, the child is prescribed a vitamin and mineral complex, because the lack of certain vitamins (especially groups B, magnesium and calcium) can provoke an involuntary compression of jaw muscles.

If the vitamin complex will help the baby get rid of this problem - it means that the reason is clear and in the future it is necessary to periodically conduct vitamin therapy. It may not only be a complex of pharmacy drugs, no one has canceled healthy balanced nutrition. Fresh fruits, vegetables should be in the daily diet of every child.

Useful advice

Bruxism, children, childhood diseases, teeth, creak teeth, teeth care

As we have already found out, bruxism may cause both emotional overvoltage and stressful situations.

Parents should take such prevention measures:

  1. Pay attention to the child, create a positive atmosphere in the family.
  2. Communicate more with your child, teach him to share my experiences, talk about how was the day in kindergarten, school.
  3. Try not to scold a child in the evening and do not allow watching TV, play a computer - it's better to read a good fairy tale at night.
  4. No superfluous evening walk in the fresh air.
  5. Try to lay a child earlier than the time for an hour, because they say neuropathologists, it is the excessive physical fatigue of the children's body that can cause the night groves to the teeth.

Do not forget to pay more attention to your child, hug it, kiss. Tell him that he is the best and beloved child in the world. Such a mental connection will allow the child to get rid of emotional discomfort and sleep calmer all night.

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