

  • What is gastroduodenitis?
  • Causes of gastroduodenitis
  • What happens when gastritis?
  • Symptoms of gastroduodenitis

  • What is gastroduodenitis?

    Gastroduodenitis is inflammation of the gastric mucosa and a 12-rosewoman. Gastritis - Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Gastritis and gastroduodenitis the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, more than half of the adult population of the Earth sick according to statistics.

    Causes of gastroduodenitis

    The causes of gastroduodenitis are diverse:

    GastroduodenitIncorrect meals: addiction to acute, too hot or cold food.
  • Food dryness, irregular meal.
  • Spicy, coarse food, strong alcoholic beverages, coffee, tea.
  • Stresses (excessive mental and physical overload).
  • Bacteria Helicobacter Pilori.
  • Long use of some drugs (aspirin, some antibiotics).
  • Smoking.
  • Intestinal infections.
  • Chronic infections in the oral cavity and sip (carious teeth, inflammation of almonds).
  • Diseases of the gallbladder, liver, pancreas.
  • Parasitic diseases (opistorhoz, ascarisosis, giardiasis).
  • Allergic diseases.
  • Chronic renal failure.
  • Hereditary predisposition (the special structure of the gastric mucosa)

  • What happens when gastritis?

    Normally, juice is produced in the stomach, the acidity of which is very high, but the mucous membrane of the stomach withstands this pressure of acid due to natural protection factors. In some cases, this defense weakens or acidity increases so much that it does not stand, and then the mucous membrane of the stomach is inflamed. And if the process goes on, then at the next stage in the mucous membrane, erosion (damage plots) appear, and then ulcers (or several ulcers), which differ from erosions significantly deeper damage to the stomach wall or the wall of the duodenum. The latter is, as it were, the continuation of the output channel of the stomach and is also susceptible to the adverse effect of gastric juice acid.

    GastroduodenitWith gastritis, the entire mucous membrane of the stomach is damaged, its glands that produce the components of the gastric juice and protective mucus are suffering from this, and cell recovery processes are worse. As a result, the work of the stomach is disturbed, it stops cope with food digestion.
    Under conditions of inflammation of the stomach mucosa, its absorption capacity is enhanced, which often leads to intoxication, both the stomach itself and the whole organism. This is manifested by a deterioration in the overall state, fast fatigue, decrease in performance, especially during exercise.

    Gastroduodenitis is considered as a prevailing state, which finds confirmation in the formation of true ulcerative disease in a certain number of such patients. In gastroduodenitis, disturbances of the gastroduodenal system are often detected (various reflux, fast passage of food casket through the duodenum and T. D.). Most patients with gastroduodenitis have a tendency to improve the secretory function of the stomach.

    Symptoms of gastroduodenitis

    The first attack of the disease is usually causing a person by surprise. Suddenly, no, neither with this (more often an empty stomach) arise sharp grabs pains in the top of the abdomen, nausea appears with vomiting. With the gastritis of the patient also can torment the heartburn or «sour» belching, bloating and feeling of his overcrowding, diarrhea and constipation.

    It happens that chronic gastritis proceeds, hidden, the person is almost nothing worried, and he considers himself quite healthy. And in fact, very unpleasant things happen in his stomach. Heavy gastritis and gastroduodenites can end with bleeding from the stomach and duodenum.

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