Heartburn during pregnancy: how to deal with it?


  • Why heartburn often occurs during pregnancy?
  • How to deal with heartburn?

  • Why heartburn often occurs during pregnancy?

    Heartburn during pregnancy: how to deal with it?
    Reflux Ezophagit — This is inflammation of the mucous membrane
    Department of the esophagus bordering the stomach. As already mentioned,
    The disease develops due to cast in the esophagus of content
    Stomach. There are no accurate data on how often Reflux Ezophagitis
    develops during pregnancy, however, it is known that complaints about
    heartburn prevent more than half of pregnant women (up to 80%), and more often
    heartburn worries women in the second half of pregnancy, develops
    after meals, lasts from a few minutes to several
    hours, repeated several times a day. Let's see why
    heartburn «loves» Pregnant women.

    The esophagus is separated from the stomach by the lower esophageal sphincter —
    circular muscle playing the role «gatekeeper», closing
    Reducing the hole between the stomach and the esophagus. During pregnancy
    In the blood of progesterone hormone,
    which relaxes smooth muscle bodies, including the bottom
    esophageal sphincter (that is, the obstacle is eliminated
    Gastric content in the esophagus). In addition, with increasing uterus
    Increased intraperous pressure, also contributing to cast
    The contents of the stomach in the esophagus. Should also not forget that
    Pregnancy can contribute to the manifestation of a series of hidden flowing
    Diseases of the digestive organs, the symptom of which is heartburn.

    With a thrust heartburn to clarify the diagnosis may require
    Study with an unusually long name
    «Ezophagogastroduodenoscopy»: using the tube with optical and
    Lighting systems (Endoscope) inspection («-Skopia»)
    esophagus («Ezophago-»), stomach («-Gastro-»), but if necessary — and
    duodenal gut («-Duodena-»).

    How to deal with heartburn?

    You should adhere to a gentle diet: from the diet
    Exclude products irritating the gastric mucous membrane and
    Stimulating hydrochloric acid production: Sdobu, Fresh bread, Fatty
    Sorts of meat and fish, vegetables containing rude plant fiber,
    Welded boiled eggs, acidic varieties of berries and fruits, ice cream, black
    Coffee, carbonated drinks, sharp marinated dishes and spices.

    • Food must be fractional — five–7 times a day, the last meal — 3 hours before sleep.
    • After meals, do not go to bed for 30–40 minutes,
      Since the horizontal position of the body (as well as the slopes of the body
      Forward) provokes the cast of hydrochloric acid from the stomach in the esophagus.
    • It is necessary to ensure that the intestines take place every day.
    • Need to sleep on the bed with raised to 15–20 cm by the head end (you can put an excess pillow).
    • Should not be worn, squeezing clothes.
    • As enveloping and binders can be used
      Herbal Wristbands: Hypericum, Alder, Chamomile, as well as Starch
      (in the form of jelly, for example).
    • Medical treatment is possible only by appointment of a doctor!
      Secure for pregnant antacid (neutralizing acid),
      enveloping and binders, in particular «Maaloks»,
      «Fofswaleugel», «Smekt», which can be taken once when
      the appearance of heartburn or resort to the course reception (in this case,
      take 3 times a day after 1 hour after meals and the fourth time — on the
    • If possible, admission to spasmolitics (drugs,
      Removing the spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs) — but-shop,
      Papaverin: They relax the lower esophageal sphincter, contributing
      strengthening its insufficiency. (Of course, if necessary
      antispasmodics still prescribe — worth just warning a doctor about,
      that you are suffering from heartburn, and, of course, do not have self-medication.)

    In conclusion, I would like to say that listed events
    allow you to effectively cope with heartburn, which in no way
    has adverse effects on the course of pregnancy.

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