Hypnosis is «Gypsy», It happens classic, and also - Erickson. If every man in the first two is heard about the first two, then a few people know about Erickson hypnosis. Although, it is not excluded, - could experience him.
Hypnosis has long ceased to be something mysterious and supernatural. Glass balls before eyes, standard phrase «sleep!» And other tricks «Charger» from the underground associations of the 50s of the last century smoothly moved to the public life of the day of the present. In more inconspicuous form, but with the same effective impact. Hypnosis elements can now be found at every step. That «sins» And street scammers, and customers of advertising shields. Who and why manipulates our consciousness?
In short, you can cure
Mystery of hypnosis seeks every second. But by professionals become units. «Penetrate the consciousness of another person - this is the most real gift», - Says Nikolai Koshelev, a psychotherapist, a hypnotist with a 15-year experience. Suggestion he fucked at the time when she realized that the word could be cured by man. After all, the word is of great strength, and most importantly - to be able to use it correctly. «Classic hypnosis has long been no longer used in modern medicine. Mirror items for fixing attention and other «quirks» went to the past, - Nikolai notes, - the Erickson method is now the most relevant in psychotherapy».
What is Erickson hypnosis

Hypnosis Gypsy ordinary
As for the famous «Milk, let me yield, happiness will be you!», then this is an example of the most elementary, but also a very effective form of hypnosis. Well, who did not happen? It is worth a gypsy just to look carefully, and you already fall into some strange stupor. AND… Methodically start to give a woman, from head to legs bought in a shawl, all money and jewels. Gypsies from nature are endowed with a gift of suggestion, besides, their unique abilities are developing with age.
In order not to get caught on the tricks, you should immediately take your eyes from their permeating glance. Black eyes and monotonous speech may hypnotize up to 75% of the population. Gypsies are mostly asked by the sacrifice right hand - to pay. But not all of them masters read fate with palm. Just body contact is the fastest way to managing a person. The victim becomes managed, and «Hunters» Remove their benefits.
Hypnosis is not always deception
Here are such methods of psychotherapists and achieve the necessary effect, at the same time comprehending the true secrets of a person. However, there is a definite group of people for whom the Look fixation and soothing monotonous speech - an empty sound. They are about 30% in society. Enter them into a trance state - the task is not from the lungs. The reason for this is the absolute control of consciousness. That in our time, you see, very good quality.