If the baby has meteorism


  • How to understand that the child has a meteorism
  • Tips of our grandmothers
  • How to warn meteorism

  • How to understand that the child has a meteorism

    If your baby makes short and piercing cries with certain breaks, while he has firmly lit eyes and frosting and frost, he constantly moves the legs and spins, and his tummy reminds an inflated ball, - know, you are dealing with meteorism or bloating, which often bother breastfeeding.

    Meteorism is a sharp pain in the baby's tummy due to the redistribution of individual sections of the intestine, caused by gases accumulated there in the feeding process. Gas exhibition can linger during constipation and diarrhea. Typically, colic is more often worried about boys than girls and pass to three months when digestion is normalized. However, periodically bouts of meteorism overcome children and over the next months of life.

    Tips of our grandmothers

    There are several ways to assist the child. Almost all of them are still invented by our grandmothers grandmothers. One of them is warming up the tummy, while relaxing the muscles of the body (including the intestines), the spasms of individual sites weaken, and the normal passability of the gastrointestinal tract is restored (you will understand this.)

    If the baby has meteorismTo do this, make a baby dry warming compress: put on the tummy heated with an iron diaper (be sure to make it not hot!). Delight it in your arms, pressing the tummy to your body, make a warm bath. You can also put the child on the tummy, in this way it is heated too. Try to give the baby to the baby - it will strengthen the effect of treatment.

    Especially effective when the intestine of the intestine massage - circular strokes of the tummy clockwise - with the air bubbles move to the exit and spasms calm. Do not forget to give your baby braverails of herbs, which normalize the work of the intestine and remove spasms. These include chamomile, fennel, mint and dill.

    If none of the listed methods helps, use the gas feed tube. To do this, think about it in your first aid kit. This procedure is performed like this: turning the child to the left side, bend the legs in the knees and hip joints (it can also lie on the back with the raised legs); The rounded end of the tube extinguish with a vaseline; left-handed the buttocks and gently enter the tube into the anal hole for 1-2 cm; Another end is lowered into some kind of dishes, since the gases can come out with gases. The tube can be left in the intestine for 20-25 minutes, aligning this procedure with the abdomen massage, about which we spoke earlier. Do not forget to wash the place around the anus with warm water and lubricate with baby butter. However, in spite of all the effectiveness of this method of combating meteorism, it is not necessary to use it often so as not to annoy the rectum.

    How to warn meteorism

    Pay attention to your own power. Consumption of coffee, strong tea, grapes, cabbage, legumes, large quantity of fruit or raw vegetables - all this can deliver trouble to your child. Adhere to the correct breastfeeding technique, then the child will not catch the air during sucking.

    Also for the prevention of meteorism it is important to get rid of the air in the stomach of the child. So after feeding, hold the baby in a vertical position «Stumpy». It is more convenient to do this: with your left hand, keep your baby behind my back, and press the tummy with his right hand. And you yourself will feel like, after tightening the air, the child will become easier.

    The child requires consultation of the doctor too frequent. Perhaps these are prerequisites for developing dysbiosis or power violation.

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