Treatment of vulvita

Vulvitu gynecological practice calls the inflammatory process of external genital organs. It is an extremely painful and uncomfortable disease for a woman - movement and corporate malfunctions are accompanied by severe pain.

Most of all women of old age and girls tend to vulvit: the mucous membrane in the intimate zone is very vulnerable and sensitive to irritation.

What every woman should know

vulvit, gynecology, female diseases, female health, vulvit treatment, genitals

When vulvit the inflammatory process is very extensive - it strikes the area of ​​the clitoris, large and small sexes, is also localized on the eve of the vagina, on the mucous membrane of the virgin splava.

Inflammation initiate representatives of the conditionally pathogenic flora: streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria, yeast fungi, intestinal wand. Less frequently, vulvit is provoked by the presence of gonococci, trichomonad and chlamydia in the microflora mucous membrane. Sometimes the disease develops on the background Tuberculosis or diphtheria. The most favorable soil for the growth and reproduction of bacteria is a decrease in local protective forces of the body and microcracks on the surface of the skin and mucous.

Factors of the appearance of the disease

vulvit, gynecology, female diseases, female health, vulvit treatment, genitals

Acute form of the disease is different:

  • severe swelling, intensive redness of the external genital organs, the presence of small ulcers and erosions, which affect the folds of the groin and the inner surface of the hips;
  • urgent itching and burning, painful sensations that are enhanced when urinating, touching or motion;
  • In some cases, an increase in lymph nodes in groin, high temperature;
  • serous-purulent secretions or sucrovits. The intestinal wand indicates watery yellowish-green bags with a bad smell, at Staphylococcus - a thick yellowish shade of the selection, and the candids show themselves "curly" white and blooming;
  • Girls have an acute form of the disease becomes the cause of increased nervousness and bad sleep.

If it does not pay due attention in time or follow all the rules of treatment only in part, vulvit acquires a chronic form with frequent exacerbations.

Chronic disease is different:

  • poorly pronounced swelling;
  • painful sensations and moderate redness only in some places of vulva;
  • a moderate feeling of burning and itching;
  • Minor discharge.

After a severe and long-term course of the disease, the structure of genitals can be somewhat deformed that in the future it makes it difficult to make a sexual life. Girls as a complication of the disease sometimes there is a battle of the germ lips, the so-called synechia.

Diagnosis of the disease

For help addressed to gynecologist. The doctor will familiarize themselves with the peculiarities of the general history of the disease, hears the complaints of the patient, examine the sick, will appreciate the amount of colposcopy, study the results of Bakposev from the laboratory.

Treatment of vulvita

vulvit, gynecology, female diseases, female health, vulvit treatment, genitals

During the treatment of an acute form of illness, children are better to be in bed, and women cannot be entered into sex, even if there are significant improvements.

Antibacterial drugs are prescribed, considering the type of pathogen and its susceptibility to one or another Antibiotic. Since girls have a disease in most cases provoked by representatives of the conditionally pathogenic flora, antibiotics are shown in the form of creams and ointments. Vulvit, developed as an allergic response to anything, is treated with antihistamine drugs.

Today, pharmacotherapeutic practice has an impressive arsenal of drugs in the form of tablets, ointments, suppositories for the treatment of vulvit of different origin. Most frequently used: Polizinaks, Maratin-Combi, Mixing, Betadine, Ginalgin, Terezhin, Pimafukort, Ginesol, Gino-Perevaril.

In addition to the main struggle against vulvit, sorry for him (tonsillites, Pyelonephritis) undermining body protective forces.

Very carefully during the treatment period you need to topically handle outdoor genitals. Also need to use binding and compresses based on a fucillin or herb beam solution. Calendula, a series, chamomile, eucalyptus.

Vulvit treatment is one of those cases when medicine becomes a faithful ally for official medicine. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Sitting bath with oak bark. 2 liters of cold water add 2 st. L. Oak pharmacy cortex and boil for 10 minutes on medium heat.
  2. Calendula has a noticeable anti-inflammatory effect. 1 Art. L. marigolds pour a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and wait for half an hour. From the obtained drug make compresses in the intimate zone.
  3. Nettle will get rid of burning and itching. Prepare infusion as well as the calendula flowers based.
  4. Huge healing power has juice of white acacia flowers - they need to be chewed and swallowing the useful liquid.

Vulvita Prevention

vulvit, gynecology, female diseases, female health, vulvit treatment, genitals

To avoid problems with the most delicate area of ​​the female body, you need to respond quickly to the slightest negative changes in a state of general health, to cope in a timely manner with the foci of chronic infectious inflammation.

Carefully comply with the rules of intimate hygiene should every self-respecting woman. The question of the underwear is better to solve in favor of cotton tissue panties.

Our site reminds parents of girls, how important to teach the child to the Azam personal hygiene, because inflammatory processes in the genital organs in childhood can be the basis for problems with conception and pregnancy in the future.

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