Syndrome of irritated colon


Syndrome of irritated colonAs you know, the fat — This is the part of the intestine, where the formation of carts with the subsequent release of them from the body. An analysis of the irritable colon syndrome involves an assessment of specific features indicating violation of the intestinal functioning. This condition manifests itself and is usually characterized by colic, swelling of the abdomen, enhanced gas formation and gas separation, unstable chair, manifesting alternating diarrhea and constipation. Common food intake can cause reinforced intestinal peristalsis due to an increase in the contractile activity of muscle fibers of the intestinal wall, possessing some special sensitivity at this moment. The large intestine can actively respond to any stimulus, it can be food and some products, physical exertion or hormones, intestinal hypersensitivity is marked during menstruation in women.

The causes of the syndrome may be a genetic predisposition, as well as the impact of starting mechanisms, such as overvoltage, stress, violation of the sensitivity of the colon, the influence of various disorders of the nervous system, coarse changes in the food diet — All this provokes an irritated colon syndrome. The frequency of the occurrence of such a state in the world is about 10%, in Europe it is found in 25% of cases, it is often noted in women, while the average age is 20-45 years.

Risk factors are represented by the following positions:

  • genetic;
  • psychological disorders, manifested by anxiety and depression, various phobias, hysteria;
  • violation of intestinal motor activity;
  • visceral hyperplasia;
  • previously transferred intestinal infection or injury;
  • Hormonal changes.

An irritable colon syndrome: symptoms and signs

The main clinical manifestations and nature of pain in the syndrome of irritable intestine are the most diverse — From light discomfort and minor pain, up to a novel and constant, which is very similar to intestinal colic. The appearance of pain is noted immediately after eating with amplifying peristaltics, possible hydration, diarrhea, or stool delay from several days to several weeks with diarrhea episodes up to 3-5 times a day. Pains are concerned more often the abdomen, appear in the mornings after breakfast, sometimes at night and poke only after the defecation and fathever of gases.

The typical distinguishing features of this pathological syndrome and an indication of the functional nature of violations are:

  • changeable manifestations of the disease;
  • lack of disease progression;
  • Lack of body weight loss and blood changes.

It is worth noting that the syndrome of irritated colon, the symptoms characterizing it, are very unpleasant, but no organic pathology is found, for example, a tumor, polyp, disruption of the structure of the intestinal wall or inflammatory process.

The main clinical extorticed manifestations of the syndrome are characterized by:

  • Ugone dyspepsia — in 25% of cases;
  • nausea, vomiting, belching, pain in the right hypochondrium in 80%;
  • manifestation of irritable bladder syndrome in 30% of cases;
  • anxiety and depressive fortune in 15-30% of cases;
  • the puppiness of the fingers and the feeling of the coma in the throat;
  • drowsiness or on the contrary insomnia, dry mouth;
  • the inability to sleep on the left side due to the painful sensations in the heart of the heart;
  • development of dysmenorria or impotence.

Diagnosis of syndrome

Syndrome of irritated colonDiagnostics of the syndrome of irritable colon, symptoms of intestinal and extractuate, elimination of the organic pathology of the gastrointestinal tract with the definition of a clinical form of the disease conducts a physician therapist and gastroenterologist.

Diagnostic methods include the collection of anamnesis, which involves the establishment of the nature of pain, food addictions, a list of accepted drugs, an assessment of the emotional state of the patient and the quality of the patient's life.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with chronic inflammatory, infectious and parasitic diseases, intestinal tumors, diverticular intestinal diseases, chronic pancreatitis, endocrine diseases and chronic nutritional disorders.

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