Ulcerative colitis does not like salt and milk


  • What is ulcerative colitis?
  • Patience and work
  • Cardinal solution

  • What is ulcerative colitis?

    Disease never can be «Timely», But when a person is falling in full bloom (and more than half of the cases, nonspecific ulcerative colitis manifests itself in people 20–40 years), it is especially hard, especially since the manifestation of the disease — diarrhea (chair can be 6–10 or more times) blood in a chair, stomach pain — Do not live quietly. Children also suffer from ulcerative colitis, and after 40 years the probability of its appearance decreases sharply.

    The origin of this boUlcerative colitis does not like salt and milkThe gland is not fully studied. According to one assumptions, nonspecific ulcerative colitis may be an autoimmune disease, — Its reason in the energy failure of the intestinal mucosa cells.

    It is noted that the impetus to its appearance may be infection (Scarlatina, windshish pack), ARVI, intestinal infection (dysentery, salmonellosis). Heredity plays his role. Stress, nerve overloads can cause the exacerbation of chronic ulcerative colitis.

    With ulcerative colitis, the most straight, thick and sigmoid intestine suffer most: there is a serious damage to their mucous membranes.

    The main symptoms of this disease are: diarrhea, blood admixture, pus and mucus in a chair, sometimes painful, false urges for defecation; Pain in the stomach (usually in its left part), decreased appetite, weight loss. The frequency of the chair may increase and decrease without visible reasons.

    In most cases colitis — Chronic disease, exacerbation periods are connected by calm (remission). But about 15% of cases it can start lightning, and then a frequent chair with blood, fever and pain will be the most first symptoms.

    For accurate diagnosis, the doctor may appoint you an endoscopic study of the colon, the reorganosososcopy (rectum test), fibrocolonoscopy with the biopsy of the mucous membrane, x-ray study, microbiological research. It is necessary to investigate the feces to eliminate the colitis of viral origin, chlamydia, pathogenic flora and parasitic lesions.

    Of course, blood tests. All patients with ulcerative colitis have signs of intestinal dysbiosis with a decrease in the total number of intestinal sticks, full or partial absence of bifioflores.

    Patience and work

    This disease is treated for a long time, sometimes for years, so patience is required. Treatment consists of two main directions complementing each other, — Drugs and diets. As for drugs, the patient requires compliance with the prescribed by the doctor is prescribedUlcerative colitis does not like salt and milkIY. Variants of drug treatment Many, accents puts the specialist, we only note some of the general directions.

    For the unloading of the pancreas can be assigned enzyme preparations. Children's preparations and hepatoprotectors, polyvitamins, iron preparations, sedatives, antiharya therapy, with severe forms of ulcerative colitis may also be appointed — Corticosteroid hormones. Antibiotics are prescribed if there are secondary infections, serious inflammation or complications.

    In the hands of patients themselves — Compliance with diet. Unfortunately, you have to forget about all fat, salty, sharp, as well as about milk and dairy products. During the exacerbation, the amount of fiber, sweet, juice is also limited. We must try not to include in your diet and chocolate, legumes, mushrooms, fruits and vegetables, stimulating peristaltics (plums, kiwi, kuragu, beet).

    But you can not deny yourself in low-fat meat, fish, and if you have achieved a long-lasting remission of the disease, then you can expand your diet, consulting with your doctor, to significantly expand, continuing to eat everything in small portions, avoiding hot and cold food.

    Among other things, folk remedies can be used for treatment: plantain seeds, calgang, chamomile, heel, licorice, pomegranate grenade crust, cerebral ceres, cherry fruits, blueberry berries, rowing coils, sulfur alder. Rosehip or sea buckthorn oil is used for enema, juice or syrup — Just inside as a means of combating avitaminosis. Prag is also useful.

    Cardinal solution

    If the diet and medicines do not help, remission does not succeed and inflammation continues to spread, have to resort to surgical intervention.

    Surgical treatment is necessary if serious complications are developing: abundant bleeding, intestinal obstruction, lightningless severe nonspecific ulcerative colitis that does not respond. In 25% of patients fail to achieve a steady remission, severe complications are developing, and they need surgical treatment after 5–10 years from the beginning of the disease.

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