Fibrosis of the liver


  • Manifestations of liver fibrosis
  • Diagnosis of liver fibrosis
  • Treatment of liver fibrosis
  • Recommendations Patients with liver fibrosis

  • Under fibrosis usually understand the accumulation of rigid fibrous (scar) fabric in the liver. The formation of scars is a normal body reaction to injuries, however, when fibrosis, the process of tissue healing is broken. When normal liver cells are damaged as a result of viral infection, alcohol abuse, the effects of toxic substances, physical injury or other factors, they are replaced by scar cells, and the liver begins to work worse.

    Manifestations of liver fibrosis

    In the early stages of fibrosis, the liver works relatively well, so only a small number of people notice that something is wrong. They can feel constant fatigue, note that bruises appear after the slightest impact on the skin. Few binding it with liver diseases. However, as the liver destruction continues, the scar tissue grow up and closes with existing scars, liver functions are broken. Ultimately, the liver turns out to be so frozen that it prevents the stream of blood through it and significantly reduces its operation.

    Diagnosis of liver fibrosis

    The early stage of fibrosis is difficult to reveal, since it often proceeds without any manifestations. To diagnose the disease, blood and urine tests are taken, an ultrasound study of the liver is carried out. Currently, the best method of determining the stage of the disease is the liver biopsy. A small sample of the hepatic tissue is selected by a special needle, mixed with a special dye, and is examined under the microscope. In order to keep track of the development of the disease and to respond to changes in time, it is recommended to repeat biopsy every 3-5 years.

    Treatment of liver fibrosis

    Earlier it was believed that fibrosis is irreversible, but recent studies have shown that the process of development of fibrosis can be slowed down, stop, and, in some cases, even eliminate liver damage.

    The main method of treatment is the protection of liver from negative impact: treatment of viral hepatitis, refusal of alcohol and t.NS. Preparations that help the liver and reduce inflammation are also used.

    Recommendations Patients with liver fibrosis

    Fibrosis of the liverIn the treatment of liver fibrosis, the behavior of the patient itself plays a major role. That is why it is necessary to comply with the following recommendations:

    • Regularly do exercise.
    • Learn to manage stress.
    • Stick a healthy balanced diet that provides for a small amount of fats and salt, a large amount of products based on whole grain wheat and enough protein. Proteins are contained in meat products, chicken, turkey, cheese, nuts and beans.
    • Do not use drugs.
    • Do not drink alcoholic beverages or at least reduce their consumption.
    • When taking prescribed drugs, accurately follow the instructions of the doctor.
    • Be very careful if you are simultaneously taking medicines released without a recipe, medications appointed by a doctor, herbs, drugs and / or alcohol.
    • Avoid poisonous liquids and their vapors, such as solvents, dilutes of paints, pesticides; When working with these substances, cover the skin, wear protective gloves and mask, work in a ventilated room.
    • Ask your doctor to appoint you vaccination against hepatitis in.

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