How to keep the joints healthy?


  • Do regularly but carefully
  • Eat to avoid inflammation
  • Support weight
  • Strengthen the legs
  • Stretching
  • Good ergonomics

  • Osteoarthritis (osteoarthritis) is the most common disease of the joints, can come with age, as a result of a sudden injury, chronic overload or voltage, as well as a dozen other reasons.

    Fortunately, it is possible to prevent this disease, or relieve symptoms, slightly changing your daily habits.

    Several tips that will help minimize the risk of violation of joints and discomfort throughout life. These simple recommendations will help you preserve the health of the muscles and joints.

    Wave hobbies dancing «twist» In the United States led to an incredibly high injuries - a lot of people with dislocations of knees, ankles and even hip joints fell into the hospital.

    Do regularly but carefully

    Support the health of the joints with regular exercises, 3-5 times a week. Choose a low-influence type of activity, such as swimming, cycling or classes on elliptic simulators. If you have problems with knee joints, avoid running, jumping, walking on the stairs and need to wear heavy things. All this increases its knees, sometimes increasing the weight load of up to several hundred kilograms per square centimeter. If some kind of sport causes pain that does not pass within two hours after graduation, stop classes.

    Eat to avoid inflammation

    Try to limit the consumption of greasy red meat, it can weaken bones and cause calcium flushing from the body. Try not to eat, which is subjected to significant processing (white rice, bread and pasta) or has a high content of trans fat and hydrogenated oils that contribute to the occurrence of inflammation. Instead, eat products having an anti-inflammatory effect, for example, fruits, vegetables, whole-grain, nuts, nuts and vegetable oils. Fat fish, for example, salmon, herring, sardines and anchovies are also recommended.

    In the German airports airports of aircraft having artificial joints from Titan, asked to have the so-called «Endoprosthesis passport», confirming the presence of foreign metallic elements in the body.

    Support weight

    Maintaining weight at a certain level can significantly reduce the load on the knees, in which articular pain usually occurs. Body mass index showing weight ratio to growth can determine whether you have a healthy weight.

    Strengthen the legs

    Include in your exercise exercises «Hoom feet» and «Flexion of foot». They do not give the burden on the joints and train the four-headed muscles and muscles of the thighs. Strengthening muscle data removes the burden on the joints, approximately as a latch, imposed on his knees.


    Stretching can also reduce the load on the muscles around the knee. If there is an opportunity, engage in yoga, pilates, or at least do stretching exercises. Here is one of them: if you are tense of the hip biceps, lie on your back and graze one knee.

    Attract it as close to the chest. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Repeat the same with another knee. Make five approaches, 3 - 5 times a week.

    In the US, the original method of person identification was offered - on the X-ray of the knee joint, since «fake» The unique features of the knee joint are much more complicated, traditional identification features.

    Good ergonomics

    The wrong position behind the computer can lead to voltage in the hands, neck and shoulders. Make sure that the seat of the chair was adjusted so that both feet are fully related. Your head and back should be one line, and shoulders are in a relaxed natural position. Try to keep your head straight and not bend neck. Use a mouse pad with hand support, it helps to avoid tunnel wrist syndrome. Especially important - do not forget to take a break by 3 - 5 minutes every hour and distracted from the computer.

    Monotonous work, a sedentary lifestyle, violation of exchange processes and salts deposition - all this affects the state of the joints. Do not start the disease, attentive attitude to your health and the above recommendations will help you save youth flexibility and ease.

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