Optimists of ulcers do not hurt!


  • Stomach – Stress indicator
  • Disease of young and active
  • Detect on time!
  • Choose soups and porridge
  • Protection against aggression
  • Forget about the submission forever!
  • What's the Difference?
  • Food in the period of exacerbation

  • Stomach – Stress indicator

    Optimists of ulcers do not hurt! Expression «all diseases from nerves» How it is impossible to better determine the reasons for the ulcer of the stomach and duodenal. It has been proven that calm and balanced people are practically no ulcer. Of course, there are many other factors provoking the disease, but they are usually secondary. Exactly «master» Ulcers creates conditions that contribute to the development of inflammation and subsequent ulceration of the gastric and duodenal mucosa. And first of all, with his attitude to life. Is there a way out?
    The mechanism of the development of ulcer disease launches the nervous system. As a rule, a gloomy subject, which is in constant stress and does not know how to get along with him, nor with the outside world, has a much greater chance to get an ulcer than a cheerful optimist, the lifestyle of which is far from perfection.

    The first reacts to the stress gastrointestinal tract. It is worth doner – and hurts the stomach or, worse, before exams or a responsible meeting it falls every five minutes to run to the toilet. Physiological reactions occurring in the body in stress are associated with emission of adrenaline, which narrows vessels. First of all, the mucous membranes suffer, because the spasm of vessels makes it difficult for blood circulation. As a result, the power of the mucous membrane cells is disturbed.

    Gradually, the cells of the stomach (or duodenal intestine) are partially atrophy and dying, and in their place the ulceration is formed. If not to treat an ulcer, inflammation spreads to deeper layers of mucous membrane, large vessels are taken off. Everything can end with bleeding or even spinning ulcers — Education of the hole in the wall of the stomach or duodenum. Ulcer need to diagnose and treated correctly.

    Disease of young and active

    In addition to the peculiarities of the nervous system, the relationship of a person to life and his ability to respond to stress, there are many other factors that increase the chances of becoming a victim of peptic ulcer.

    Age. Ulcer — Disease of the people of the most active age (25-40 years). The duodenal ulcer more often occurs at the age of 20-30 years, the ulcer of the stomach – As a rule, after 35 years.
    Constitutional predisposition. The ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is more often developing in people of high growth and asthenic, fine-binding physique, with choleric temperament. But the peculiarities of the physique do not play a leading role, because the predisposition develops into the disease only during the coating of adverse factors.
    Incorrect nutrition. The mucous membrane of the stomach does not like very sharp, acidic and saved food, as well as too rude fiber. Regarding the fiber It is worth noting that it is vital and removing it from the diet is categorically impossible, with the exception of the exacerbation period of peptic ulcer (fiber will irritate the inflamed mucosa). All extractive substances with high protein concentration, enzymes and caffeine: broths, coffee, strong tea, chocolate. Alcohol and tobacco are completely unacceptable!
    Uncontrollable medication. Ulcery most often provoke so-called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This is a rather large group of drugs – They are taken at various inflammatory diseases. In this case, the doctor's control is obligatory, since the tool can very quickly provoke the development of peptic ulcer, and literally in a flat place.
    Bacteria. Not so long ago, scientists have allocated the Helicobacter pylori bacterium, which is found in the gastric mucosa and duodenum in 80% of cases of ulcerative disease. Currently, there is no consensus in a medical environment, whether this bacterium is the root cause of ulcers or plays a minor role. Studies continue, but most specialists are inclined to the fact that the role of bacteria in the development of ulcerative disease leading, but not defining.

    Detect on time!

    Peptic disease is diagnosed on complaints. Extremely rare cases when the ulcer arises suddenly – usually some discomfort is present long before the ulceration. Erosive gastritis (inflammation of the stomach) or duodenitis (inflammation of the duodenum) can be cured, and they will never turn into an ulcer. To diagnose them in time, you should contact the doctor at the first uncomfortable or painful sensations.

    Traditional complaints with ulcerative disease: strong enough, sometimes sharp and permeaterable pain in the opposite region, in the right hypochondrium. As a rule, arise on an empty stomach and at night, sometimes 40-60 minutes after eating or immediately. The patient has a pale appearance, he generally feels bad, it feels weakness. Most often, the patient apatic is significantly reduced by a common interest in life, there is no appetite.

    To confirm the diagnosis, fibroezophagastrodenoscopy (FEGDS) or X-ray, which is used quite rarely. The patient drinks the barium, then the X-ray is done, the state of the mucousse is clearly seen. With FEGDS (this is a very accurate study) The probe is introduced into the stomach, with the help of a fibrogastroscope, the doctor directly sees the gastric mucosa or duodenum. At the same time, you can take a biopsy, an analysis of Helicobacter.

    After the appearance of the FEGDs, the number of cases of the disease has increased dramatically, which indicates that earlier ulcer disease is often simply not diagnosed. The man lived with an ulcer and was sure that he had a maximum gastritis, and sudden gastric bleeding could become a thunder among a clear sky. With gastric bleeding or «vomiting coffee dense» The patient urgently operate – The ulcer threatens the life of the patient, because the next stage will be breeding the stomach.

    Choose soups and porridge

    After the diagnosis «ulcer» confirmed, the patient first appoints a diet – So-called table number 1. All food is used exclusively in the boiled, fired and rubbed. These are mucous cereal soups, rubbed porridges, white crackers. Within one or two weeks, a person feeds on exclusively mucous decractions, then the diet is expanding. After improvement, Table number 5 is usually prescribed: boiled and stubborn dishes, the complete absence of stimuli and extractive substances, but food is no longer peathed.

    All vegetables should be used in boiled form. Meat, Fish, Eggs – as basic protein sources – vital because protein food helps the body to recover. Similar menu is very gentle, for example, allergic nutrition restrictions are much more stringent. Such a diet is adhered to years, right up to full scarceing of ulcers. And even in this case, the tendency to relapses is preserved, so it is forever the taboo on extractive and irritants, as well as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

    Protection against aggression

    In the emergence of ulcerative disease, two points play a leading role: the strengthening of aggressive factors and the weakening of protective functions. The stomach highlights mucus – It protects its mucous membrane from the destructive effects of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, which are necessary for digesting food. In addition, for neutralization of acidic medium, the mucosa of the stomach produces a bit alkalis. With ulcerative disease, protection weakens or disappears at all, and aggressive factors (hydrochloric acid, pepsin, helicobacter, vascular spasm) repeatedly enhance their action.

    Accordingly, in order to cure a peptic disease, it is necessary to weaken aggression and strengthen protection. In addition to the diet, the patient is prescribed drugs to reduce acidity. Many are engaged in self-medication and drink soda – It gives a fast, but deceptive effect, provoking an even greater lesion of the tissues of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum.

    Modern drugs for the treatment of ulcers do not just reduce the acidity of gastric juice – They operate at the level of the cell producing hydrochloric acid. The intensity of the flow of acid decreases, even the level of sodium ions in gastric juice. Special antibacterial agents are aimed at combating Helicobacter Pylori. If we are talking about a duodenal ulcer, assign means to reduce the aggressiveness of the bile allocated.

    Forget about the submission forever!

    Peptic disease. In order not to become a hostage of ulcers, when discomfort in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, you need to go to the doctor and go through the appropriate examination. If the diagnosis is set and the ulcer is treated (taking into account the entire complex of drugs and a special diet), after some time it is chipped and never comes back. But under one condition: if you follow the recommendations on recovery, which the doctor gives. First of all, you should change the lifestyle and your attitude to it. But, agree, the recovery is worth!

    What's the Difference?

    Stomach and duodenal ulcers are largely similar. In both cases, this is inflammation and impaired integrity of the affected body mucous membrane. But there are differences in sensations. With a duodenal ulcer pain, as a rule, is quite strong. It often arises on an empty stomach or, on the contrary, 1.5-3 hours after meals, as well as at night or early in the morning and passes after meals or alkaline mineral water. And with the stomach ulcer, eating or tasty funds, on the contrary, enhances pain. More often than with duodenal ulcers, patients have nausea and vomiting.

    In case of vomiting “Coffee dense” or with blood urgently causing ambulance, and before her arrival to keep the patient on the side and do not let him move. Putting an ice bubble on the stomach area. Eat and drink in no case!
    Those who do not like medicine
    • Barrels purified potatoes, layers water. Warm decoction take half a cup 3 times a day before meals.
    • 2 st. Spoons of dry root of licorice poured 0.5 l boiled water, cook 10 minutes on low heat, insist about 2 hours. Take out ¼ glasses 3 times a day.
    • For 20 days three times a day, per hour before meals, take 40-60 drops of 20 percent of propolis tincture.
    • 3 st. Spoons of dry crushed planting leaves 0.5 l of cold water, brought to a boil and prepare on a small fire for 10 minutes. Insist time, drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
    • 1 Art. A spoonful of honey solvent in a glass of warm boiled water and drink out one and a half hours before meals or 3 hours after meals.
    Not so long ago it was believed that milk is useful for ulcer. Modern doctors do not recommend to eat this product to eat, because it increases the acidity of the gastric juice even from completely healthy people.

    Food in the period of exacerbation

    The daily diet must contain mucous cereal soups with butter, liquid rubbing porridge, eggs sick (2-3 times a day) or in the form of steam omelettes, steam souffle from low-fat varieties of fish and meat, butter or olive oil, cream, berry and fruit kisins (Non-acid), Carrot and Fruit Juices, Robber Hip, Weak Tea. Salt need to be limited to 5-8 g per day, drink no more than 1.5 liters of water. Additionally, prescribe vitamins A, C, groups B (B1, B2, PP). Food should be taken every 2-3 hours.

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