Spastic colitis in a child can develop against the background of infectious diseases, glides invasion, dysbacteriosis, non-compliance with the designated diet. With inflammation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, violations of the chair, meteorism, abdominal pain appear. The disease requires a thorough diagnosis. With timely appeal to the gastroenterologist, the children's colitis ends with recovery.
Colitis — This is the inflammation of the large intestine. Pathology
manifests itself strong pain in the intestines, constipation or, on the contrary, a liquid chair,
Owning belly. More than 10% of adult people with chronic colitis form for the first time
faced with this disease in childhood, so it is very important
timely diagnose the inflammatory process and organize
Effective treatment in children. Otherwise, spastic colitis in a child will go into the chronic stage and
will torment the baby with frequent relapses.
Symptoms of spastic colitis in children
Acute form of childish
colitis develops against the background of an infectious process affecting the organs
digestion (salmonellosis, intestinal infection, rotavirus infection).
Proceeds with the following symptoms:

- Increased body temperature;
- Diarrhea (at the initial stage — constipation);
- Bloating;
- Pain in the iliac region;
- The presence of mucus, blood, foam in the chair;
- Dry skin, mucous;
- Pronounced weakness;
- Safety feathers.
Pronounced symptoms
Spast colitis in children appear on 2-3 days of illness. In childhood
Aged acute form of intestinal inflammation is often combined with defeat
Stomach (gastritis) and small intestines (enteritis). When progressing spastic colitis, the child appears risk
Dehydration development. Treatment of acute inflammation requires
antibiotics, enterosorbents and replenishing the volume of lost liquid. Nor
However, do not self-medicate and do not try to overcome the children's colitis with the help of dubious folk
Recipes. In vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and children are quickly coming (especially
Newborn) may die from complications.
Chronic colitis is characterized by a waveway.
Exacerbations alternate with long periods of remission. Chronic spastic colitis in children has the following symptoms:
Stupid nunning pains in the navel region or in
iliac region arising after meals or before the act of defecation; -
Stool disorders (constipation can alternate with
diarrhea); - Driving a belly;
- Increased fatigue;
- Sleep disorders;
- Avitaminosis;
- Reduced hemoglobin;
- Reducing body weight.
Complications of children's colitis
Long-term colitis in children accompanied by
Periodic exacerbations, can lead to the development of anemia, intestinal
obstruction, intestinal adhesions, peritonitis. Due to diarrhea and regular constipation
Often, part of the rectum falls on, cracks of the rear passage can occur and
Pathological changes in the mucous membrane.
During the treatment of colitis it is very important to keep track of meals
child. The diet involves the reception of thermally and mechanically gentle food. From
Fiber diet excludes sharp, fried, spicy dishes. It is necessary to protect
Toddler from stresses, physical exertion and contact with annoying factors.
Recommended therapeutic mineral waters without gas, normalizing work
digestive system. After the poetry of the acute process, the physiological
and spaherapy.