Pancreatitis: Questions and Answers. Part 1


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  • Question number 7

  • Pancreatitis: Questions and Answers. Part 1

    Question number 1. Lee is always sharp pancreatitis goes into chronic or there are situations when it passes the acute phase, and more people do not suffer from him?

    This happens, but more often the process chronicization is still happening, mainly because it is not possible to remove the main cause of acute pancreatitis.

    Question number 2. What are the causes of acute and chronic pancreatitis?

    First, a few words about the mechanism of development of this disease. Pancreatitis is formed as a result of an increase in pressure in the Virsunng - a duct, through which the secret assembled from the entire pancreas is entered into a 12-point intestine.

    When the pressure is increased, the so-called autolysis is developing in this duct - the self-extinguishing of the pancreas tissues, which leads to damage to the organ.

    One of the main reasons leading to an increase in pressure in the protocal system is a biliary disease, especially if it is complicated by the migration of bile stones into the transmission system. If small pebbles fall into the duct and stuck in the sphincter - holes through which the ducts of the gallbladder and the pancreas are opened, the pressure rises.

    Moreover, this duct can also get bile, which also contributes to the development of chronic pancreatitis. To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to deal with a biliary disease.

    Question number 3. How? Whether operational intervention is required?

    There are states in which to operate optionally. If the course of the disease is absolutely asymptomatic, that is, it is regarded as a stone, a person feels well, it is not necessary to touch, but there are not very many such patients. Most often, the biliary disease makes itself felt and from the attack to the row becomes, as a rule, harder.

    If the patient had already attacks and, assessing his condition, surgeons insist on operational intervention, it is correct, because the removal of a bubble filled with concretions (stones), frees a person from complications in the form of a chronic pancreatitis formation.

    The longer tighten with the solution of the issue of a biliary disease, the worse it will be the pancreas. By virtue of the law chronicization, even after eliminating the cause, chronic pancreatitis can remain.

    The second point, which very often leads to the formation of pancreatitis, is alcohol abuse. There is no enzyme in the pancreas fabric, as in the liver, which would split alcohol, so the toxic effect of alcohol on this gland is direct.

    In addition, when taking alcohol, the consistency of the secret is disturbed, protein formation occurs Pancreatitis: Questions and Answers. Part 1The plugs in which calcium can be delayed - the pancreatitis typical for alcoholics, characterized by the appearance of stones (or protein traffic jams) in the hardware itself.

    Question number 4. How long do you need to drink to bring yourself to such a state?

    All individually. Sometimes a single taking of a large amount of alcohol against the background of fatty foods can lead to acute pancreatitis, which ends with a hospital bed. But most often it, of course, it happens in people longly abusing alcohol.

    Question number 5. What are the main symptoms of this disease?

    First of all, it is pain. Very intense pain «Under the bow». Sometimes she can shift to the left, to be in the left hypochondrium, sometimes wearing a sinking character - it feels like the hoop squeeze the upper half of the torso. Pain can last for hours, she is very cold.

    It happens that pain «Got» Behind the sternum, in the left half of the chest, therefore pancreatitis is sometimes confused with an attack of angina, but if angina, as a rule, develops after exercise, the attack of pancreatitis - after eating, the so-called food error - alcohol, fatty food, and t. NS.

    A very characteristic symptom for pancreatitis is nausea and vomiting, and vomiting multiple, not bringing relief. First, in the vomit masses may be food, then - gastric content, mucus, and sometimes bodies of blood (with an adsadous vomit). This can lead to the fact that the mucousness is damaged and vomiting the type of coffee grounds appears.

    Occasionally, the attack of pancreatitis may be accompanied by chills and increase temperatures up to 38-39 degrees. For a severe degree of manifestation of pancreatitis, when the pancreas practically ceases to work, it is characterized by diarrhea.

    Question number 6. At what age are usually faced with these problems?

    Children pancreatitis practically does not occur or he is secondary. As a rule, with pancreatitis faced after 40-45 years, when a biliary disease has already been formed or a long incorrect power or alcohol abuse.

    With sharp pancreatitis in the hospital, men are more likely to fall, with chronic pancreatitis, the ratio of men and women practically 1: 1. In women, the formation of pancreatitis on the type of cholecystopancatite is more often, and the men are more commonly found by alcoholic pancreatitis.

    Question number 7. Chronic pancreatitis incurable?

    Practically, but under certain conditions it is possible to achieve long-term remission. Failure to alcohol and observance of diet with pancreatitis give very good results, a person will sometimes forget about these problems for a long time.

    This, however, does not mean that someday some situation will not exacerbate the provisions, because almost no one keeps a diet (festive table and t. NS.).

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