When Donimizes heartburn


  • Why the acid gets into the esophagus?
  • Change the mode
  • We change the diet
  • New lifestyle
  • What to do to get rid of discomfort faster?

  • Why the acid gets into the esophagus?

    The reason for it — Insufficiency of the upper sphincter of the stomach. This
    Special muscle has the ability to direct food movement only in
    side of the intestine and prevent the contents of the contents of the stomach in
    esophagus. Moreover, the degree of its development and nature of work with age
    Change. In the first months of life, this sphincter is poorly developed,
    Therefore, tightening a small amount of food after meals are considered
    physiological norm.

    With age, about two years, the tone of this muscle rises, and
    The contents of the stomach should not fall into the esophagus. In some people
    For different reasons, the function of the sphincter can be very weak — In these
    Cases of man «sign» With heartburn literally since childhood. And sometimes we
    With his style of life — day and nutrition — contribute to
    heartburn accompanied us constantly...

    Change the mode

    When Donimizes heartburn
    The hardest working person — it's in the morning and not to get sick on
    night. In addition, you need to teach yourself to eat in the vertical
    position, small portions and 4-5 times a day. After the meal N
    stands right away «Farm» on the sofa, and even more so go to bed. Co
    sleep is possible not earlier than 2-2.5 hours after dinner. And if very
    «Sucks» In the stomach — Before bedtime, it is better to drink half a cup of kefir, but not

    Abundant one-time meal is extremely harmful because it rises sharply
    Outdoor pressure, and throwing acidic content in the esophagus
    Practically inevitable.

    We change the diet

    Our health — this is what we eat. Scientists have proven existence
    products that regular consumption of which reduces muscle tone
    esophagus. Therefore products, «Noticed» In such an impact, follows
    dramatically limit or eliminate from the diet: coffee, chocolate, citrus,
    Tomatoes (including tomato juice), as well as alcohol and carbonated
    the drinks.

    Reduce recommended the number of sharp dishes with spices, vinegar,
    Fat and fried dishes, as well as products that increase gas formation
    (radishes, turnips, beans, peas).

    New lifestyle

    If you still fell into the number of people suffering from heartburn, the best view
    Sports for you — This swimming. Unfortunately, deep slopes, raising
    weights, jumping and riding a bike will have to postpone until the best
    Times. Even the shoelaces on shoes are better to tie crop, not

    Do not wear tight belts and very close clothes. Of course, beauty requires
    victims but not spoiled heartburn — Better to lose
    a couple of kilograms, and not try to «Clamofillary».

    What to do to get rid of discomfort faster?

    The path of changing the style of life Torny and Log, but health and opportunity to fully live and work efforts. Therefore, while you are registering the mode, the reception of drugs will help you at first get rid of hated symptoms.

    For this, preparations of three groups have been developed: overwhelming or binding
    acid in the stomach; Normal tone of stomach sphincter, its motor
    and the work of the intestine; Preparations protecting the mucous membrane of the stomach from
    irritant factors.

    Trust in choosing a medicament doctor and easy tops to health!

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