How to treat ichthyosis by folk remedies? The answer to this question you will find in the article.
Ichthyosis is a hereditary disease that manifests dry and peeling
Skin, like «Fish Schee».
Affected skin sections do not have ballet or sweat glands, horn layer of skin
thickened, scales are formed, the skin becomes wrinkled, dry, like snake
or crocodile.
How to treat ichthyosis by folk remedies
In the treatment of ichthyosis, the integrated use of vitamins A, E, with,
Groups in, balneo- and physiotherapy.
oats grains 2 tablespoons
- Rowan Berries Common 1 Table Spoon
- Flowers Pijmas 1 Table Spoon
- nettle sheet 2 tablespoons
- Petcher Grass 1 Table Spoon
- grass horsetail field 1 tablespoon
- Plate of plantain 1 tablespoon
Components crush in a coffee grinder or on a meat grinder, mix. Two tablespoons
Mixtures to use for the preparation of infusion of 0.5 liters of boiling water (insist 4-6
hours). Strain. Take on the day. With the same innocence to do
or row on the affected skin area (the duration of the procedures 10-30 minutes,
Strong after cooking
In equal proportion with any vegetable oil (peach, olive, sunflower),
insist at room temperature 6-8 hours, filter and used for
Lubrication of affected skin sections 1-2 times a day. Course of treatment 2-4 months
In parallel with the admission of phytosbor Tick Holosas 1 teaspoon 3 times
On the day and tincture of Aralia 10-30 drops 3 times a day before meals for 4-6