Typical Representative: Gonorrhea


  • Infection
  • Manifestations for women
  • Manifestations in men
  • Gonorrhea and infertility
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Prevention


    Typical Representative: Gonorrhea

    The main way of transferring gonorrhea - sex. The causative agent penetrates the body through the mucous membrane of the vagina, the rectum and the oral cavity. Doctors note the high degree of pathogen's activity, which increases the risk of developing the disease. There is a high probability of infection of the fetus at the time of passing by the generic paths of the sick mother. The household path of infection is rarely found, which is associated with unfavorable conditions for the existence of a gococcal outside the mucous membrane.

    Manifestations for women

    Since the penetration of the causative agent of gonorrhea into the patient's body, no more than ten days usually occurs before the emergence of the first symptoms. Common for both partners becomes
    Symptom complex of gonorrhea, which includes itching, burning and appearance of the selection from the place of deployment of the pathogen into the body. These symptoms can manifest itself in the throat, the area of ​​the rectum. Women make complaints about the soreness and a feeling of burning, increasing when urine, the appearance of abundant specific discharge from the vagina. Strengthening the inflammatory process with gonor leads to the occurrence of pain in the abdomen, the appearance of symptoms of intoxication.

    Manifestations in men

    Men are concerned about the extraction of purulent urethra, accompanied by itching. It is also characteristic of the appearance of burning in urination. After some time, the intensity of symptoms decreases, which may cause the late detection of gonorrhea and infection of sexual partners. The chronization of the process leads to the development of purulent inflammation, complications and intoxication

    Gonorrhea and infertility

    In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment of gonorrhea, it can cause the dissemination of the inflammatory process to all reproductive bodies. For women, this is one of the reasons for the development of the adhesive process and pipe infertility. Prostate iron, testicles and joints are becoming a target for gonococcal. These diseases lead to a violation of the normal reproductive function of both partners. Gonorrhea significantly complicates the course of pregnancy, increasing the risk of its premature interrupt and fetal infection.


    To clarify the diagnosis of gonorrhea, methods of laboratory diagnostics are used. The express method of diagnostics is the study of smear from the vagina, urethra, rectum or zea in the light microscope. The diagnosis is confirmed by detection in the smear of pathogens. In some cases, seedings are sewn to nutritional media, which detecting the growth of colonies of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibiotics. The method of direct immunofluorescence and polymerase chain reaction is also used to confirm the diagnosis of gonorrhea.


    The treatment of gonorrhea should be under the control of a veneerologist. The specialist in the appointment of drugs takes into account the sensitivity to them causative agents of gonorrhea and the concomitant infection, the individual characteristics of the body of the patient, possible allergic reactions to drugs. The basis of treatment is the antibiotics of the penicillin row. Of great importance is attached to the increase in the immune forces of the body and physiotherapy procedures.


    Among preventive measures, the main place is occupied by the use of reliable methods of contraception. Reception of specific funds no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual contact reduces the likelihood of disease development. Treatment must be carried out to all sexual partners, which makes it possible to eliminate re-infection.

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