Candidiasis of the oral mucosa


  • What is candidiasis
  • Why does Candidiasis of the oral cavity occur?
  • Treatment of candidiasis of mouth

  • What is candidiasis

    Candidiasis (thrush) caused by yeast
    Sandida Albicans mushroom, manifests a cotton variety
    oral mucosa. This flask is easily removed, leaving
    After a painful bleeding surface. When progressing
    Diseases can be noted the distribution of the process on the sky, gums, parallers
    Almond, Golden, Gastrointestinal tract.

    Acute atrophic candidiasis caused by which most often
    is a long use of a wide range of action, manifests itself
    painful, bleeding, edema blustful plots of mucous
    oral cavity, and a cotton wave may not be.

    Chronic atrophic candidiasis arises
    Usually those who wear dentures. Affected mucosa, directly
    adjacent to the prosthesis. This is more often due to the trauma of soft tissues
    poorly sitting dentures, which leads to the occurrence of chronic
    Inflammation. The affected area has flusted, edema. Character pain and burning.

    Why does Candidiasis of the oral cavity occur?

    Microscopic fungus, most often Sandida Albicans, is
    Normal inhabitant of the oral mucosa. However, when changing conditions
    existence of the tramplifier of the thrush can intensively multiply. For
    Normal operation of the mucous membranes requires a stable weakness medium,
    Normal microflora, necessary and sufficient nutrient,
    Good blood supply, regular cleansing. The situation occurs when
    Change the conditions in which the yeast fungus lives. When changing level
    acidity (or pH), appearance in cells of a significant amount of sugar,
    flushing useful flora or suppressing it with antibiotics, with different
    Infections of fungi begin to multiply intensively. There is a damage to cells
    The mucous membrane develops the Candidiasis of the oral cavity.

    Treatment of candidiasis of mouth

    Therefore, the main thing
    The directions in the treatment of a patient with candidiasis are:

    • identification of the etiological factor underlying the pathoose pathogenesis in each individual case;
    • elimination or reduced further negative effects of these factors;
    • pathogenetic therapy;

    Candidiasis of the oral mucosaBased on the insolvency of the immune system under candidides,
    Especially in chronic sluggish forms, candidomic is recommended
    Vaccine: Monovalent, Polyvalent and Outwaccine.

    With the same purpose in the arsenal of therapeutic agents during candidiasis can
    find the place of pyrimidine derivatives - pentoxyl 0.2 g 3 times a day in
    For 3 weeks, methyluracyl 0.5 x 3 times a day, treatment course 3-4
    weeks. Preparations stimulate the production of antibodies, phagocytic
    activity, activate leukeopoies, increase the content of gamma globulin
    in serum, increase the regenerative ability of tissues.

    Gamma globulin, hystaglobulin, hystaglobin 2 ml 2 times a week,
    For course 7-10 injections. After 2-3 months. The course of treatment is repeated.

    In the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa use T-activin
    40 μg per day subcutaneously or intramuscularly, for 7-10 days.
    Quanthan 0.2-3 times a day, within 14 days. Either diucifon 0.1-2 times
    a day for 6 days. Conduct 2-3 such courses with intervals 1-3
    day under the control of biochemical and immunological blood indicators.
    Levamizol (decaris) of 150 mg 1 time per day for 3 days, spend 2
    such a course with an interval of 3-6 days. After 2-3 months the course of treatment is worth

    • a lining therapy that reduces mycotic sensitization, and
      Also stimulating nonspecific and specific resistance
    • Inclusion in the complex treatment of antifungal drugs.

    In the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa, a diet is assigned to
    the exception of sweets and restriction of carbohydrates rich in vitamins and

    In the treatment of candidiasis of the oral mucosa, polyenov
    Antibiotics - Nystatin, Lev Room 500 thousand. elf. 4-8 times a day, such
    way, daily dose 2-4 million. drug, on the course of treatment - 56 million
    elf. For 14 days. It is advisable to warm up and suck, so
    As in the gastrointestinal tract, polyenon antibiotics are bad
    absorbed. Regression of clinical symptoms of candidiasis is already observed on
    5-6 day hyperemia, swelling, disintegration of the mucous membrane decreases
    oral cavity, erosion epithelization is observed.

    Amphotericin in appointed in cases of absence of effectiveness after
    Applications Nistatan, Lev Room. Similar effect has
    amphogluchene. Decamin caramel 1 caramel 6-8 times a day.
    Loworded Lamizil.

    Polyvitamins with trace elements, 2-3 dragee per day for 1 month.
    Vitamins of group B - B2, B6; C, PP and DR. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
    has some antifungal action regulates
    Redox processes, participates in the processes
    carbohydrate, protein and fat exchanges.

    Calcium preparations (calcium gluconate, calcium glycera phosphate, lactate
    calcium) as common and hyposensitizing. Preparations
    Pantothenic acid - calcium pantotent 0.1 g 3-4 times a day in
    Flow 1 month.

    Iron preparations (Dragee Ferroplex, Confoferon, Tablets
    Restored Iron). Aloe with iron, hemostimulin and others
    preparations, as it is proved that when candidiasis is observed a change and
    Violation in the exchanging.

    Desensitizing therapy - Dimedrol, Suprastin, Pipolfen, Fencarol.

    Patients, long-term suffering from chronic shapes of candidiasis,
    need permanent reception of sedatives and tranquilizers,
    Psychotherapy, hypnosis. Good effect gives autotraining, electrical.

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