Mycoplasmosis, causes and development of the disease


What is mycoplasmosis

Mycoplasmosis is another disease that is sexually transmitted.
Differs special mysteriousness. It is included in medical
Reference books, then remove from them. Now such a point is very common
Vision: Mycoplasmosis is a conditional name for all inflammatory
Processes in the urinary organs, if a laboratory survey
Does not find any harmful microorganisms in patients except mycoplasma.

What are the causes of mycoplasmosis

that this disease occurs with the direct participation of tiny
Microorganisms - Mycoplasm. Mycoplasma are different. In nature
There are 70 species, 11 parasitize in human cells, however
Mycoplasma Hominis and Mycoplasma Genitalium call mycoplasmosis.

scientists never managed to prove whether these microorganisms always lead
to illness or only in some cases. For example, when
Mycoplasm in the vagina are there any pathogenic bacteria.
Most likely, mycoplasma itself is harmless because it is often
find not only in patients, but also from absolutely healthy people.

How the disease is developing

very inhapply microorganisms, and can exist normally,
Only attaching to human cells. Of them, mycoplasma get
Nutrients required. Caller microorganisms
Mycoplasmosis dwell on vaginal cells and urinary tract. With vaginal dysbacteriosis, trichomoniase, garardnelase, gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes
The number of mycoplasmas in the vagina is greatly increasing. And then they
Begin to damage the cells of their owners. With mycoplasmosis possible
The defeat of the urethra, prostate gland (in men),
The cervix (in women) and the mucous membrane (in women).

Mycoplasmosis can only with traditional (genital) sexual act
between man and woman. Homosexuals and other fans of oral
and the anal interchanges this disease does not threaten. Yes, and household infection
Mycoplasmosis — from the field of unscientific fiction.

How to diagnose mycoplasmosis and what it is dangerous

Mycoplasmosis, causes and development of the disease
Signs of the disease may appear about three weeks
from the moment of infection, but may not appear at all. 40% of all
There are no symptoms of sick with mycoplasmosis.

After gender
Act with a random partner special attention should be paid to unusual
Selection from the urethra (men) and from the vagina
(women). With mycoplasmosis, they are a bit, they are bright, almost transparent.
In addition, the sick feel during urination moderate pain
and light burning.

The aggravation of the hoping disease can provoke abortions, stress, supercooling and even alcohol, if you drink a lot and long.

If mycoplasmosis is not treated, it can over time to lead to prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland) and narrowing the urethra
in men. And in women cause inflammation and spikes in the fallopian tubes,
Improving the risk of infertion. In pregnant women, mycoplasmosis may cause incorrect course of pregnancy and fetal defects.

In case of suspicion of mycoplasmosis, it is best to turn to a urologist or gynecologist. However, a specialist in venereal diseases can be visited. According to the symptoms, the doctor is unlikely to be diagnosed, so you have to pass a bunch of analyzes: to donate blood, urine, conduct a study of suspicious discharges, to make bacteriological sowing and PCR diagnostics on infections.

find out how many troubles managed to do mycoplasma, you may have to
carry out the full diagnosis of all urinary organs.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

It is not recommended to get rid of mycoplasma, only a doctor can prescribe treatment.
The malicious microorganism is killed by special pills or injections
with an antibiotic, in some cases may additionally need
Immunotherapy, prostate massage, physiotherapy and t. D.

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