How to treat thrush?


  • What causes the problem?
  • What are the symptoms of thrushs?
  • Is it necessary to treat and how?

  • What causes the problem?

    Candidage. These yeast-like fungi normally live in the body with
    Birth. Under some conditions, their number expands. To that
    Conditions include a temporary decrease in the immune forces of the body, in connection
    With the following reasonsHow to treat thrush?and:

    • Pregnancy
    • Diabetes
    • Against the background of other diseases (ORVI)
    • Protection of oral contraceptives
    • Prolonged use of intrauterine spirals
    • Long taking antibiotics
    • Menstruation
    • Irritation of mucous membranes uncomfortable, synthetic, narrow linen.

    The thrush does not apply to sexually transmitted diseases.

    What are the symptoms of thrushs?

    Disease has different stages. On the easiest
    Of these, the woman concerns only a cotton view of the selection. On the
    The following is added itching and redness of the mucous membranes of the genital
    organs, swelling of the skin, the allocation becomes more abundant. How
    rule, the symptoms of the thrush are manifested a week before menstruation when
    Women's immunity is especially weak. Sensations of burning and itching especially
    amplified warm: after the bath, under the blanket.

    Is it necessary to treat and how?

    It must be treated! Live with constant discomfort in the field of genital organs, feel pain in sex and urination is impossible.

    In addition, the constant presence of a focus of infection in
    The field of genital organs can lead to complications more serious

    In pregnant women, the thrush is found very often, almost every second.
    transmits from mother to newborn baby black than in 70% of cases.
    It does not depend on the method of delivery: independent childbirth or
    cesarean section.

    It is necessary to visit the doctor – gynecologist who
    will write down a comprehensive treatment consisting of drugs for internal
    Applications and antifungal ointments.

    In addition, to remove the feeling of itching, make
    Baths with furacilin or add one spoon to water to wash
    Food Soda.

    Critical days do not use tampons, often
    Change strips. Refuse synthetic, narrow linen. Watch
    For its food: for a while you should eliminate sweet, sharp,
    Marinated dishes. Avoid using flavored
    pads, gels, additives – It will only strengthen irritation.

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