Causes of medicinal allergies: a little about the origin of the allergy of this species and on issues arising from diagnosis and treatment.

multiple cases of diverse allergies, where allergens are performing
Foods that surround us plants or animals, household items, all
A larger share is converted allergic to drugs. Need clearly
to differentiate it with side effects developing at their reception, and
also with symptoms of overdose. Sometimes
Even the physician is difficult to figure out the situation, but there are a number of signs that allow
Determine the development of true allergies. We will talk about it below.
for drugs
manifestations are diverse, and it is especially difficult to allocate from other symptoms,
which suffers the sick person forced to take medicine. After
Drug reception
Allergy to preparations can develop both immediate and slowed down,
There is a manifestation after a certain period of time. But more often we do not see
No symptoms after the primary use of the drug. Signs of allergies
appear when the body has already been sensitized to the medicine, that is, work out
Antigens, ready to respond. In response to the secondary use of medication
A quick and detailed allergic response is developing.
Symptoms B
such cases are diverse and vary from skin manifestations — Item, swelling
Separate areas of leather, spilled redness, point rashes to heavy
anaphylactic reactions with loss of vascular tone and loss of consciousness that
In the absence of immediate assistance can lead to the death of the victim.
Medicinal allergies
Multiple theories explaining the reasons
Medicinal allergies. On the one hand, the cascade is well studied
micromolecular reactions that develops in response to an antigen, which
Envasively universal. But what happens to the immune system to the population
Antigen, which encourages it pervertedly respond to some
The body of a substance — You can only guess.
Big role
Among the causes of medicinal
Allergy plays heredity. You can with a lot of probability
assume an allergic person the presence of an unfavorable background among its
Sensitization is often occasionally after eating meat of animals,
Received certain drugs in the process of growing — Antibiotics or
Hormonal funds, which is increasingly found in modern agricultural
Big role
plays and an increase in the use of drug use uncontrollably in
The process of self-treatment, which is connected with their availability.
Growth allergyization of the population primarily in big cities. On this occasion
There was a hygiene theory — The higher the isolation of a person from antigens in the early
childhood when the immune system is forming, especially
imperfect it seems subsequently.
One of
predisposing factors are considered to be background diseases, gliste
invasions, molecular defects, hormonal disorders that create
Favorable background to change the immune response.
Allergies are caused by drugs themselves, but their products of their decay or
Complexes that they form with proteins of our body.