Fiberglass, symptoms and treatment

Today, our website will tell its readers about one hereditary disease - fibrosis. Why it arises from a child, how does it manifest, is it possible to heal it?

Doctors note that the fibrousosis is one of the frequently encountered hereditary pathologies, because the figures of statistics show that one baby from two thousand born subsequently identifies fibrous. White race children are more susceptible to death.

There is a disease and a second name - cystic fibrosis. If briefly, with the disease, the disease occurs the gloys that take out its secret to the external environment (sweat, salivary, pancreas), that is, the body will produce a viscous and thick mucus. Inheritance occurs in an autosomal-recessive type, that is, a sick child can be born from completely healthy parents who do not suffer from data from the disease, but who are carriers of mutant, in other words, a changed gene. What diseases leads in the future fibrosis, readers will learn later.

A bit of history

Mukobovysidosis, hereditary diseases

The disease for the first time described Dorothy Anderson's pathologist in 1938. But even earlier, there was a terrible belief in German legends: if a mother feels a very salty taste of sweat discharge with a kiss of his child, then she will lose a baby at an early age. Concept itself «Mukobovysidosis» was introduced by Farber in 1946.

Much later, in 1989, scientists identified the gene and the type of its defect, guilty of illness. We can say that a breakthrough in the study of the disease occurred in 1990. They were able to explore about 1200 defects and «breakdown», leading to the occurrence of illness. Work continues to this day. Thanks to long and painstaking studies, it was possible to determine the degree of mutation impact, it is precisely from them, as in the future will occur.

Why the fibrosis occurs?

Mukobovysidosis, hereditary diseases

The main symptom of the fibrosis - constantly tormenting the patient cough, Arising due to violations of ventilation and blood supply to lungs. In lungs, wheezing wheezing. The heart suffers and the cardiologists are called such a heart «Light». The mucous tubes are quite often infected with pseudomonas, staphylococcal, a blue rod and other microorganisms, which leads to pneumonias, bronchitis. Infection thickens sputums even more, significantly worsening the state of the diseased child. Other manifestations of disease are diverse, they depend on the age, the duration of the disease, the severity of the damage to organs and their systems, the presence of certain complications. It happens that some time the fibrosis flows at all without symptoms. But most often he gives to know about himself still in infancy. If the form is hidden or atypical, then there were cases that the diagnosis «Mukobovysidosis» put a child who constantly painfully sinusitis adenoid growths, polyps in her nose or men in more mature age when it turned out that they had infertility.

With a light form of illness, babies pale, sluggish, they have attacks of suffocation, cough, vomiting. Especially tormented by the kazel kid at night, there may be a lifestyle of the face due to lack of air. Later can join Sinusitis (inflammation of the incomplete sinuses).

Complications that can join in adults: hemoplary, pneumothorax, lightweight and heart failure.

In the intestinal forms, a newborn delayed feces, a tightening jaundice, an increase in the sizes of the spleen or liver is marked. Moreover, brighter symptoms appear when the mother of the baby translates it to artificial feeding or introduces the lore. If the pancreas disease is affected, this is manifested by redundant Gas formation, The chair becomes abundant, frequent, its number exceeds the norm about two or even six times. By consistency stool «fatty».

Older children complain of dryness in the oral cavity, it arises due to viscous saliva. They have a bad appetite, the normal absorption of vitamins A, D, to. Children are very poorly gaining weight, lagging behind the peers in physical development. Even if the child eats well, he pale, low, slender. Falanga of the fingers of such kids doctors compare with drum chopsticks.

2-8% of kids develop diabetes. 3% of patients are subject to cirrhosis of the liver or biliary disease.

The most severely consider a mixed form at which in the first days of life in the newborn standing cough, with very thick wet, bringing to vomiting. Easy infection is immediately joined. If the carte masses do not move long, that is, peritonitis risk. When transferring a child to another nutrition, edema is possible.

The boys often with fibrosis are affected by the testicles, their decrease occurs, the seal occurs, there are cases of the absence of a seeding channel, which leads to infertility. Women can also reveal problems with childbirth.

In those who suffer from fibrosis, the sweating is increased, especially in hot weather, which leads to a lack of water in the body, circulatory disorders and even fainting. As chlorides in sweat a lot, then the skin in patients is very salty.


Mukobovysidosis, hereditary diseases

  1. In suspected fibrosis, the newborn can be held a sweat test. It is feasible, thanks to the modern portable sweat analyzer, the result will be known after 10 minutes.
  2. DNA analysis on fibrosis.
  3. Kala Analysis, Watch Characteristics - Increase the maintenance of neutral fat, muscle fibers, fiber, starch green. These indicators talk about violation of the pancreas activities.
  4. X-ray examination showing the condition of the lungs.
  5. Survey study if infection is joined.

The sooner the disease is detected, the faster the therapy will begin. Yes, and parents, realizing that with a child, will help him adapt to death, prevent complications.

If someone suffers from the fibrosis in the family, then a pregnant woman on a period of 18-20 weeks can designate a study from the accumulating waters of certain enzymes.

Recommendations for treatment

Mukobovysidosis, hereditary diseases

To date, the disease cannot be kept completely. This is due to the fact that medicine can not be sufficiently practicing «Genotherapy», representing delivery «copies» Healthy genes in exchange «Defective» To the desired cells. Until the medicine is created, but researchers continue to work and believe that they can save people from this disease.

Now only symptomatic therapy is carried out, here is its main directions:

  1. Preparations and methods cleansing light, bronchi from the mystery of sputum, its preliminary disabilities with the help of musolithics and expectorant means.
  2. Teens and adults can perform special exercises or respiratory gymnastics, promoting sputtering from respiratory tract. If necessary, oxygen therapy, therapeutic bronchoscopy in the hospital, vibration massage, postural drainage.

  3. Fighting infection if it joins, is carried out with the help of selected Antibiotics.
  4. Reimbursement of lack of fat-soluble vitamins.
  5. Measuring enzymes (mezim, Creon, Panzinorm).
  6. If the liver increases, its work deteriorates, then heptral, Esssential.
  7. Proper nutrition, diet. Patients need to prepare easily sued dishes that do not contain coarse fiber. Patients need additional admission to the body of salts, proteins in the form of fish, eggs, meat. As scientists from the University of Toronto, Kurkumin is able to significantly improve the health of patients with cystic cycidosis. And it contains in spices to turmeric, this was mentioned by our site in the article «Useful properties of turmeric».
  8. When identifying lactase deficiency, lactazar is added or exclude milk from the diet.
  9. If diabetes is joined, the doses of insulin or tablets are selected to reduce blood sugar.

And a few more advice and recommendations for parents:

  1. Timely making a child vaccinations.
  2. Eliminate the contact of the child with allergens - feathers, animal wool.
  3. The patient can not be indoors where they smoke.
  4. The newborn pediatrician must write special children's mixtures.

If it happens that the family appears in the family «special» child, then adults around him become stronger, kinder, believe that the way out of the situation will definitely find. Love, caress, care and patience are able to work wonders. Even if the area of ​​lesion is extensive, children suffering from fibrosis, in intellectual terms are full. Even more: among such children there are many gifted personalities. Famous, bright example - Chopin. Yes, such children can not be distinguished by force and dexterity. But instead, they are given to them, the concentrations that allow them to read, draw, solve complex tasks, study languages. Statistical data show that among patients with cystic fibrosis there are many talented artists, photographers, programmers. In order for the abilities to be realized, you need to engage in such children, to identify the disease in time, to carry out supporting therapy. Such people can have full-fledged families, because if the second spouse does not detect the defects and breakdowns of genes, then the born children do not inherit this disease.

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