6 of the most popular issues of the gynecologist


Visiting a gynecologist for each civilized woman — Not just a visit about pregnancy or ailments, it is a mandatory preventive inspection every six months. But, I put your hand on the heart, answer which of us visits women's advice so often as it should be. And sorry, because in addition to the standard gynecological examination, general and special analyzes and smears confirming that we have everything in order with health, the gynecologist can get answers to the most important issues relating to women's health.

6 of the most popular issues of the gynecologistone. Are Lie «good» Analyzes of smears on the flora guarantee of the absence of sexually transmitted diseases?

Unfortunately, analyzes of smears on the flora allow us to exclude only «bright» Sex infections. But in the presence of dubious sexual contacts or any unpleasant sensations, such as discharge or itching in the field of vulva, it is not worth limited to simple strokes. Only a complete examination of sexually transmitted diseases, including strokes, crops on flora, blood tests, will allow to talk about the presence of infections.

2. Is it possible to choose yourself a contraceptive?
Ideally, contraception should be engaged in a specialist — obstetrician gynecologist. Only he, taking into account the results of the survey and all the testimony and contraindications, will be able to offer you the most suitable option. Independently you can only use barrier products, such as a condom. The uncontrolled application of any hormone contraceptives can be an impetus for the development and progression of certain diseases, including malignant.

3. Do I need to change hormonal contraceptives?
During the reception of contraceptives, it is quite possible, but not obligatory, replacing one drug to others. But in this case, the means should relate to the same group of drugs, that is, to contain about the same number of hormones. Since it is possible to take oral conrades for years, naturally, be sure to observe the gynecologist. It may be quite likely to occur when the doctor will recommend changing the drug, due to its undesirable effect or side effect.

4. How many years it is possible «wear» intrauterine spiral?

Intrauterine spirals differ in validity, it is usually indicated on the package, and hesitates from 3 to 7 years. After the expiration, the spiral is to be removed, since the processes occurring in the materials from which it is manufactured, adversely affects «Microclimate» in the uterine cavity. In addition, an excessively long term of the presence of a helix can lead to rustling of the means in the mucous membrane of the uterus and hypertrium hypertrophy. Remove the spiral in this case is possible only by scraping the uterine cavity.
If you have expired «Sucidity» Spirals, contact the gynecologist, pass the examination and, in the absence of contraindications, on the day of extraction of the old helix, install a new intramatic contraceptive.

five. How often can use hormonal agents for emergency contraception?

Emergency contraception, in fact, is an emergency, that is, it should be used only in cases where everything happened, and the likelihood of unwanted pregnancy is extremely large. Means similar to the postiner contain a large number of hormones and when used inside cause a sharp change in the hormonal background of a woman, which, in fact, prevents the occurrence of pregnancy. However, the frequent use of the drug (more often than 1 half a year) becomes the cause of hormonal disorders and «Sharp» menstrual cycle. Preventing conception in a similar way, a woman receives as a reward, requiring treatment, ovarian dysfunction.

6. Can oral contraceptives influence sexual relations?

Hormonal contraceptives contain hormones-analogs of progesterone, which has a property to reduce sexual attraction. However, such an effect is usually extremely increasingly expressed and not all women arise. Perhaps the roots of problems in intimate life should be noticed not in tablets from pregnancy, but in relations between partners, so it is better to consult a family psychologist or a sex patologist, rather than to write off the difficulties of the side effect of drugs.

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