How to treat anemia during pregnancy

Anemia or anemia is a fairly frequent complication with which women are faced during pregnancy. The main sign of the pathological state is the reduction of hemoglobin in less than 110 g / l. and reducing the number of erythrocytes in blood plasma. Most pregnant women have such a disease due to iron deficiency in the body.

The rate of hemoglobin and the causes of deviations from the norm

Anemia, pregnancy, hemoglobin, iron deficiency, blood, hemoglobin norms

Normally, the body of a healthy person must contain at least 3 grams of iron, most of this component enters hemoglobin.

When during pregnancy, against the background of the changes occurring, the level of hemoglobin falls, we can say that it is not enough for its body that. In the second and third trimesters, the overall need for this microelement increases and is 6 mg per day. However, the nuance is that more than 3 mg iron is not absorbed, despite the appropriate nutrition and vitamins, so the diagnosis «Light anemia» During pregnancy, doctors put almost all pregnant women.

In addition, it contributes to a decrease in hemoglobin external signs, such as unfavorable ecological situation and poor food consumed. If you compare with the 90s, now the number of preservatives, stabilizers and GMO has increased in food products. This, in turn, can lead to an increase in iron deficiency anemia.

The causes of the development of the disease can be:

  • alcoholism;
  • frequent bloodstures;
  • Surgery organs: Endometriosis or myoma;
  • long period of menstruation with abundant bleeding;
  • an excess of accumulating waters;
  • hormonal failure, taking oral contraception;
  • Chronic diseases flowing for a long time;
  • diseases of the stomach, intestines and liver, preventing the normal absorption of iron;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • age of pregnant women less than 18 years and more than 30.

With multiple pregnancy, the need for iron arises. In the risk zone and those women who have a pregnancy have come earlier than 4 years after the first birth. This is due to the fact that during the gestation and breastfeeding period, the woman's body loses up to 900 mg of iron, and for the restoration of this balance it will take a long time.

Degrees of anemia

Anemia, pregnancy, hemoglobin, iron deficiency, blood, hemoglobin norms

Anemia is treated exclusively under the supervision of the doctor, since there are a lot of drugs, harmless to women, but providing a side effect on a child. Medical means to increase the level of hemoglobin differ from each other content of iron and additional components. According to the testimony, the specialist may prescribe capsules, tablets or injections, but the latter can cause serious side effects.

The period of treatment of anemia is long, hemoglobin begins to rise only after 3 weeks, and the full recovery may occur after 10 weeks. It is not recommended to stop treatment, as you need to go through a full course and even for six months after genera, supporting therapy must be continued.

Nutrition for anemia

Half success in the treatment of Malokrovia during pregnancy constitutes the system of proper nutrition of the future mother. It is recommended to include products with high iron content in your daily diet:

Anemia, pregnancy, hemoglobin, iron deficiency, blood, hemoglobin norms

  • Chicken, pork and beef liver;
  • meat;
  • cereals, in particular, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice and barley;
  • fish;
  • Fresh greens;
  • apples, peaches, gooseberry, cherry, persimmon, strawberry, apricots;
  • cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and beets;
  • Macaroni from solid wheat varieties;
  • chicken eggs.

It should be aware that sausages, fatty meat, margarine prevent the absorption and suction of iron.

Nutrition for anemia should be balanced, such substances play a major role as:

  • Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant that promotes the absorption of iron;
  • E - protects the placenta from the negative impact of many factors;
  • folic acid adopted for prevention of anemia;
  • The lack of B6 and B12 leads to the development of anemia.

Before you purchase one or another complex of vitamins in the pharmacy, you need to consult with your gynecologist who is pregnancy.

Complications of anemia

Anemia, pregnancy, hemoglobin, iron deficiency, blood, hemoglobin norms

Low hemoglobin may cause serious consequences for the health of a pregnant woman and negatively affect the intrauterine development of the child.

Anemia 2 or 3 stages can entail the following complications:

  • late Gestosis Due to violation of protein metabolism;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • discontinuation of the placenta;
  • childbirth ahead of time;
  • abundant bleeding during childbirth;
  • inactive generic activity;
  • lowering immunity and complications after the birth of a child;
  • Difficult period lactation.

Immediately during pregnancy, the sharp drop in the hemoglobin level is capable of leading to:

  • throw out;
  • stopping the growth of the fetus;
  • Development of defects in a child.

Prevention of anemia

Anemia, pregnancy, hemoglobin, iron deficiency, blood, hemoglobin norms

Malolar against the background of iron deficiency is an extremely dangerous disease, it is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Not always with a meal one can cure a disease, necessarily follow the recommendations of the doctor.

So, as already mentioned above, it is necessary to eat patients with anemia, it is necessary to present products with a high content of iron and other components necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Preferably 2 months before conception to start taking iron in capsules (60 mg) and folic acid (250 μg). Plus, good food and full-fledged outdoor vacation help restore blood hemoglobin levels.

Unfortunately, on such an indicator as hemoglobin, we are accustomed to not pay attention or assume that we will not touch the problems with its deficit. However, today it is so common that doctors simply insist that each of us remembers about it.

If you suffer from frequent blood loss, moved several operations in a row or restored after delivery, listen to your body and hand over blood for analysis. Remember, the anemia's timely started treatment will protect you from the unpleasant consequences of this disease.

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