This disease doctors is sometimes called the prolapse of female genital organs. And in everyday life we use a longer, but accurate name: omitting the uterus and vagina. What are the consequences of this disease? Who risks it to get? Operation is required? Answers to these questions you will find in this article.
Most women with prolapse Genitals are concerned: pulling pain and «severity» At the bottom of the abdomen, the sense of foreign body in the crotch, discomfort and painful sensations when walking, each second has pain during sexual intercourse.
Running down, the uterus pulls along with her in the neighborhood of the bladder and the rectum, which is reflected in the violation of the work of these organs.
A woman has complaints about difficult or rapid urination, incontinence of urine note 70% of patients with prolapse Genitals. Each third patient has disorders of defecation, most often - constipation or incontinence of gases and feces.
More than a century, scientists of the whole world deal with the problem of omission and falling out of the internal genital organs in women, trying to solve the causes and mechanism for the development of this disease. But, nevertheless, until today, there is no single theory that fully reveals the nature of this disease.
From a long time, the development of the prolapse of Genital Medica is associated with severe physical labor, lifting weights, during which there is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, «Pushing» Makeup outwards.
Nowadays, this reason is not disputed, but no longer admits the lead. Today, the century of technology and mechanization of physical work, the frequency of occurrence of this pathology did not become lower, and not every patient in everyday life faces physically hard work.
More scientists talk about the role of pregnancy and childbirth in the further development of the omission and loss of genital organs. The overwhelming majority of women suffering from these diseases had in the past at least alone.
At the same time, scientists suggest that in the formation of a prolapse of Genitals, a decisive role plays not so much the amount of birth, how many of their features. The risk of developments increases with complicated course of pregnancy and childbirth, including surgical manuals in childbirth, crotch breaks, childbirth, large fruit, fast and rapid births.
In the development of the prolapse, genitals in young born women or having some uncomplicated childbirth, the leading role plays a defect in the structure of the connective tissue, which consists of bundles, including ligaments that hold the uterus in a normal position.

Often, doctors call the prolapse of the genitals of a kind of hernia, indicating that if the patient has any other hernia, the possibility of occurrence and this pathology will be high.
Recently, there are increasingly scientific articles on hormonal violations as a predisposing factor in the development of the Genitals prolapse.
That is why the percentage of women suffering from the omitting and loss of the vagina and the uterus increases with age and is especially common in the period of menopausal changes and after them.
At this time, the level of estrogen in the female body decreases, the blood supply to the genital organs decreases, undergoes changes and the binder of the uterus, which is not always able to hold it in a normal position.
The occurrence of the prolapse of genitals also contributes to a woman's tone muscle tone during this period of life, supporting the uterus and vagina.
Outstanding and falling out of the internal genitals today does not apply to incurable diseases. In the initial stages, even ordinary physical exercises can be corrected to strengthen the pelvis muscles. In some cases, special vaginal rings hold the genitals from falling out.
However, the most effective method of treating the prolapse of Genitals today is considered surgical treatment. Gynecologists are known over 300 different modifications of operations used by omission of genital organs. Most often they are performed even without cut on the stomach, through the vagina.
Treatment is certainly selected individually taking into account the age of the patient, the severity of the prolapse of genitals and related diseases, as well as other factors. And although there is some possibility of repeated development of the disease after the treatment carried out, in the overwhelming majority of cases it eliminates the woman from physical suffering and returns to a familiar active life in society.