Arachnoiditis is the inflammation of the cinema shell of the brain. What can cause such inflammation and is it possible to recognize it on time and cure? It is possible - but difficult. Read more about Arachnois - read the article.

What is arachnoiditis? The name of this disease comes from the Greek word «Arachne» - Spider. Arachnoiditis is the inflammation of the cinema shell of the brain - the thin network of vessels and connecting and integral formations that cover the brain outside. Normably the brain as it floats in «Likvora Lakes», that is, the spinal fluid. However, if there is an inflammatory process, the circulation of the liquor is broken, its outflow from the head to the spinal cord is difficult, and the cranial nerves are inflamed.
Thus, the main cause of the occurrence of arachnoiditis is the penetration of infection. This happens as a result of complications with common infections such as influenza, pneumonia, cortex and other. Presents the danger of also foci of focal infection - sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis. Arachnoidite may occur as a result of aseptic inflammation that is not associated with a microbial lesion. This happens, in particular, when traumatic brain injury. Sometimes arachnoid is developing in patients with encephalitis.
- occurs in 10-12 days after the infectious disease;
- Headache of the Deploaching or Protective Character. At the height of the headache, vomiting is possible;
- sleep disturbance;
- Reducing performance, weakness, fatigue;
- impairment;
- Emotional instability.
There are three main forms of arachnoiditis, each of which has its own characteristics:
- Optochiasmal, or arachnoiditis of the anterior cranial fossa (consequence of inflammation in the apparent sinuses of the nose). It is characterized by a worsening view that can develop slowly either, on the contrary, rapidly. On the eye day there are phenomena of stagnation or neuritis, atrophy of disks of optic nerves, atrophy of the optic nerve. Could not be celebrated in the eyes. Sometimes developing metabolic disorders: unacceptable diabetes, obesity, and so on.
- Arachnoiditis of the rear cranial fossa (most often the consequence of the middle ear). It manifests itself intense, periodically reinforcing headache with nausea and vomiting, the development of hydrocephalius is possible. Often the disease resembles a brain tumor.
- Convexital arachnoiditis. Characterized by convulsive seizures at which there is sometimes loss of consciousness.
More often a arachnoiditis.
Forecast for life and work favorable. However, it is almost impossible to completely cure peranoiditis, this is a chronic disease. Therefore, it is so important to prevent the occurrence of this disease.
Prevention, early diagnosis and timely treatment of acute infectious diseases, focal infection focalities, cranial injuries can be performed as prevention of arachnoiditis.