Harness on the neck, the language to the collar - how not to provide first help


  • Staketin from the fence — Not yet tide
  • Stop at any cost!
  • Nehle burns
  • Through cheek
  • Znobit — Sogrey
  • Poisoned — Exclude manganese
  • Eashed — Shutter
  • So that the language does not sing, you will wear to the collar
  • Save a comrade for the price of life

  • Several tips how to properly provide first aidUnfortunately, knowledge of first aid is often a ridiculous set of rumors and stereotypes, the use of this «miracle — Set» In practice, it happens not only useless, but even fraught with serious complications. How to render first aid? We try to destroy the most frequent misconceptions.

    Staketin from the fence — Not yet tide

    That when a fracture it is necessary to fix the limb, everyone knows. But why the victim is not easier from the fact that his leg or hand is trying to straighten and climb to a fenceboard? Yes, because this sharply enhances pain, with the slightest displacement of fragments injured surrounding fabrics.

    How will be correct? Obtaining a tire on a broken limb, it is necessary to fix it in the most comfortable, often semi-bent position.

    Stop at any cost!

    Bleeding threatens human life, you must stop it at any cost and harness to do this in every first aid kit. But the indication for the imposition of a harness is only strong blood bleeding, it is possible to distinguish it according to the characteristic fountaining and scarlet color of blood.

    If the victim expires blood, press the arterily with a finger or fist. Use a belt, shirt, and on top of clothes to be noticeable. Do not forget that the summer harness impose no more than two hours, and in the winter for an hour. And do not write notes for doctors on paper shoes, report the time of imposing a harness right on the forehead of the injured marker, so the information is not lost and do not have to amputate the bleed limb.

    Venous bleeding stops the gulling bandage if the blood heaves it too quickly, impose several layers — The bandage thickness will indicate a doctor for blood loss.

    Nehle burns

    What is the first remedy for a burn? Panthenol! Olive oil! We create a thin airproof film on the surface of the skin, it interferes with the cooling of tissues and increases the depth of their defeat.

    What do we have to do? Pour cold water! And not a minute or two, while painful pain, and 10-15 minutes before the feeling of numbness. In this case, the excess thermal energy will leave the skin and burns will decrease. Panthenol and other similar means are designed to restore skin and apply later.

    Through cheek

    In Russia, most of the year are frosts, how to escape from frostbite knows each — need to be confused cheeks and nose with hands or a better fluffy snowball. That such manipulations lead to the injuries of the skin passing in her small blood vessels and nerve fibers, few people think.

    What to do? Need to warm, but not under the jet «boiling water», And slowly and gradually, starting with the cool, and then warm water, increasing the temperature.

    Znobit — Sogrey

    What do we do when the sick znobit? We are trying to warm it with a warm blanket and drinking hot tea. But after all, chills — The evidence that the body temperature is growing, and we even more increase it, reducing heat transfer.

    At high temperature of a person, it is necessary to cool with a cool bath and wiping with a wet towel, then hide a lightweight blanket.

    Poisoned — Exclude manganese

    Bank with manganese — favorite tool of all parents. But they know that potassium permanganate is not able to dissolve in warm water, and only at temperatures 70 0From crystals are destroyed. So drinking pink mortar is not only disgusting, but also dangerous to health. In order to clean the stomach, it is quite 3-5 glasses of simple warm water.

    Eashed — Shutter

    Man suppressed, painfully coughs. What we do? Help — knock on the back and do not think about what is possible only deeper into bronchi drive the glood piece of food.

    How to render first aid? Soothe, ask to make some deep and very slow breaths alternating with sharp exhalations. At the time of exhalations should be tilted by the victim forward, so the flawling will be more productive.

    So that the language does not sing, you will wear to the collar

    Most are convinced that a person must need a language during a epileptic segment, and he will break it off when the jaw spa. Follow «common sense» and «instructions», It is necessary to break off the jaws with appliant means, and the tongue to the cheek pins. At best, a person wakes up with a fragment «Scientific means» in the mouth, and even without teeth, at worst — Frankings will fall into the respiratory tract and call the suffocation.

    To help the patient epilepsy during an attack, it is enough to sit down at his head, holding her palms to avoid injury. After the cramp comes, the period of sleep occurs, then it is better to put the patient on the side — This will prevent the spare.

    Save a comrade for the price of life

    It was given to us since childhood. Of course, heroism and readiness for self-sacrifice in some cases is necessary, but not in the salvation of victims. As if blaspicious it sounded, but one corpse is better than two. Therefore, before rushing to the rescue, it is necessary to assess the degree of risk for yourself. And certainly, before risking itself, it is worth calling 911 and cause emergency assistance

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