Matter dysplasia


The dysplasia of the cervix provokes changes to
epithelium, stimulating the growth and division of mucosa cells in the cervix.
This disease belongs to a group of precancerous, t.E. Not detected in time
Dysplasia can be the basis for the development of a malignant tumor in the neck

Causes and classification

Matter dysplasia

The dysplasia of the cervix is ​​diagnosed in patients,
whose age in the overwhelming majority is 22-28 years old, and in
years has been observed the most frequent transition of neoplasms into a cancer tumor. IN
Last years, the lower age threshold shifts, affecting all the younger
women, some of which do not have sex.


  • lesions
    viruses of man and herpes papillomas;
  • infection,
    sexually transmitted;
  • Chronic
    shape of cervicitis;
  • Violations
    local and general immunity;
  • smoking.


Official medicine adopted international
Classification of cervical dysplasia, which distinguishes three degrees of lesion,
Defined according to the results of cytological studies of the smear:

1 degree (Easy): Structural changes
affect the basal and parabazine layer of the epithelium;

2 degree (moderate): changes affect the lower
half of the epithelial layer;

3 degree (heavy or zero cancer):
Changes affect all the layers of epithelium, cells arise with structural


Matter dysplasia
Matter dysplasia develops without appearance
Specific symptoms, so patients may not suspect
Disease. In many cases, the cervical dysplasia accompany the pointed
Condylomes arising on mucous membranes of vulva, vagina and rear

For diagnosis, the gynecologist can use the usual
Inspection with a gynecological mirror, colposcopy, PCR for determining and
definitions of the type of HPV. Direct testimony to the survey are modified
Indicators for cytological examination of the epithelium from the cervix and tissues from
cervical canal.


In the early stages of the dysplasia of the cervix can
independently regress without additional treatment. Therefore, patients
younger than 20 years of mild and moderate severity are exposed
Attentive observation with repeated colposcopy every 3 months. If two
Studies in a row confirm the presence or deterioration of the degree of defeat,
Operational treatment is prescribed, implying destruction and removal
Damaged section of the epithelium.

Such procedures are carried out against the background of medication
Therapies including drugs for stimulating immunity and anti-viral

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