Cleansing the kidneys, possible ways

After you and the purification of the liver and intestines with you, the kidney cleansing time came. Kidneys also suffer from improper power. From what we eat directly depends on the kidney stones or not.

Cleansing the kidneys, possible ways
After you familiarize yourself With the purification of the liver and intestines, the time to purify the kidneys. Kidneys also suffer from improper power. From what we eat directly depends on the kidney stones or not. To reduce the load on kidney (And this must be done before cleaning), you need to exclude meat and flour products from the menu. Go to meals with raw vegetables for 2-3 weeks. It is important to stop eating for the night, at night the body should relax, and do not work on the extensive volume of food.

Kidney cleansing is permissible only to people who have no sharp or chronic diseases of the kidneys and bladder. Contraindicated the purification of the kidneys during pyelonephritis, large stones in the kidneys. It is contraindicated with this procedure and men suffering adenoma prostate gland. In other words, any disease that causes the difficulty of urination is those «stopper», which will not allow the renal cleansing discussed in the methods. But if you have no such diseases, then this article on our site will have to you as if the way. so...

Clean the kidney with watermelons

Cleaning the kidneys with the help of watermelons lasts a week
The most pleasant, in my opinion, the method of cleansing the kidneys. This cleaning method is used in the ripening season of watermelons. Buy many watermelons and rye bread. These products you will eat for a whole week. Watermelon will serve you and drink and drink, and the bread needs only with a very strong feeling of hunger. Such a diet can cause weakness, heart pain. Watering can become muddy - this indicates the disorder of sand from the kidneys.

Kidneys work hard in the evening. This needs to be used: to enhance blood flow and expansion of urinary tract we take a bath and eat a large amount of watermelon. Heat will expand the ureters, and watermelon will give a powerful acceleration of sand and pebbles... If pebbles are slow, not immediately, it is possible to clean it within 2-3 weeks.

Rhose rose for cleansing kidneys

Substances contained in richness capable of dissolving kidney stones to the state of sand
This method of cleansing the kidneys is also based on the reception of natural products. We need Roshovnik. It can be bought in any pharmacy. Fit both roots and rosehip fruits. Substances contained in richness capable of dissolving kidney stones to the state of sand. Therefore, the essence of the purification of the kidneys in this way and consists in drinking brawl rose. The decoction is preparing as follows: 2 tablespoons of rose hips fill with a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes. Wait until it cools, then strain. A well-cooked decoction should be dark color: this is an indicator of high concentration of nutrients. Take a decoction you need 1/3 cup three times a day. The duration of the procedure for cleansing the kidneys of Ryshovnik - 2 weeks. This method is absolutely safe, and is suitable for almost everyone, of course, if there is no allergies to the rose hips.

Cleansing the kidneys and source

Cucumber juice, as well as zucchini, pumpkin and other beneficial effects on the kidneys
As you already probably guessed, this way of cleansing the kidneys offers us source. It is also pretty simple and pleasant, and especially good for use by him in summer. It is that you take juices. In July - cucumber, in August - Zabachkova, in September - Pumpkin. Juices are collected during the ripening period of the respective vegetables and have the maximum concentration of utility substances. You can make cocktails from juice. At the same time, one of the juices (cucumber, zucchinch, pumpkin) is taken as the basis, and any other is added to your taste. Glass of juice need to drink half an hour before eating three times a day.

Our site can offer to prepare also such a cocktail: 9 pieces of carrot juice, 5 pieces of celery juice and 2 pieces of parsley juice. Please note that parsley juice has a strong effect on the kidneys, so it can be drinking no more than 60 ml in its pure form.

For rehabilitation, the kidney is useful and a juice cocktail from carrot, beetral and cucumber juice in proportion of 10: 3: 3.

It is very useful, because juices have a beneficial effect not only on the kidneys, but also the whole body as a whole.

Apple diet will clean the kidney

As an option for cleansing the kidneys, you can even consider an apple diet
As an option for cleansing the kidneys, you can even consider an apple diet. It is designed for three days. On this diet every morning begins with breakfast from one glass of freshly squeezed apple juice. And so, during the whole day with two-hour breaks, it will be necessary to drink 2 cup of juice, thereby interrupting appetite and washing kidneys. There are nothing for all three days. Important remark, if for all the time on the apple diet there will be no chairs, you need to take a laxative or to make an enema.

Perhaps it will be better for you faster way. The same apple diet, but in the calculation for a shorter period in two days. With this approach, it is necessary to drink half a cup of olive oil to the second intake of juice.

Any of the ways to purify the kidneys will be more efficient if you make efforts to dry hard. To do this, you need to drink coating teas. Here are the easiest recipes of these teas.

Useful will make tea based on linden and raspberry. To do this, it is enough to brew in an equal proportion based on a glass of water 1 tablespoon of color. In the same way, you can brew a leaf with the leaves of mother and-stepmother. And the one and the other tea is desirable to strain.

There are other less pleasant ways to purify the kidneys, but it is better to eat watermelons, drink apple juice and live long and happily!

Health to you and good luck!

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