Delicate solution of intimate problems


  • Causes of trouble
  • Natural solution

  • But it is no secret that delicate problems happen quite often. Usually, it is not accepted about them, many are confused to ask for advice from pharmacist in a pharmacy and even at a reception at the gynecologist. Today we will talk about intimate discomfort - condition, familiar to the majority of women. Discomfort manifested by irritation, itching, burning and dryness of the vagina. These unpleasant symptoms are often able to deliver real suffering. But even tolerant manifestations can be a sign of beginning or protracted disorders in the intimate area.

    Causes of trouble

    First of all, intimate discomfort lies in women who took antibiotics. It is important to remember that the reception of antibiotics can cause not only the disorder of intestinal microflora, but also the natural flora of the vagina. The most useful vaginal microorganisms are lactobacillia. They create a physiological acid environment that impedes growth «harmful» bacteria. When taking antibiotics, lactobacilli is suppressed, and they occupy their place «outsiders» microbes, including pathogens. This condition is called dysbiosis. With dysbiosis, the risk of developing infections and inflammatory processes in the vagina.

    The treatment of thrushs with antifungal drugs is capable of the same effects. In general, any vaginal antibacterial drugs (in the form of candles, vaginal tablets) can suppress the natural flora and provide chemical irritation on a gentle mucous membrane, which further causes unpleasant discomfort.

    Other reasons of acidity disorders in the vagina and microflora imbalances are a decrease in local immunity and violation of hormonal background. This often happens with such physiological conditions as pregnancy and period after delivery.

    Natural solution

    Fortunately, the solution of such a delicate problem exists. Protect against unpleasant symptoms of medical gels ginokomfort®, Specially designed to solve all problems associated with intimate discomfort.

    Geli Ginokomfort®:

    • Quickly eliminate all unpleasant manifestations: irritation, itching and vaginal dryness;
    • contribute to the normalization of natural microflora and maintain an acid pH;
    • restore the mucous membacity after treatment with antibiotics and after infectious processes of the vagina (for example, thrush);
    • give a long sensation of moisture and comfort;
    • have anti-inflammatory effects and accelerate the healing of microhas.

    Delicate solution of intimate problemsIn case of unpleasant manifestations: irritation, itching, burning and dryness - use gel ginokomfort® with tea tree essential oil. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and is used in the recovery period after treatment with antibiotics and antifungal drugs. Same Gel Ginokomfort® With tea tree oil, it is recommended to get rid of discomfort that occurs during pregnancy or after delivery.

    After reliable eliminating all the symptoms, use Gel Ginokomfort® With Malva extract. In addition to the anti-inflammatory, it has an enveloping effect and supports natural vaginal protection. Gel Ginokomfort® Malva's extract is suitable for continuous use as prophylactic mucous care, prone to the appearance of irritation and dryness.

    Geli Ginokomfort® contain only natural components and do not have side effects.

    Usage Gylokomfort gels® will allow forget about unpleasant discomfort and give a feeling of intimate harmony.

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