Propolis against narrowed erythema


Miraculous propolis

Propolis against narrowed erythemaJournal erythema is not always simply treatable. And, nevertheless, before being taken for antibiotics, it may be worth trying the most simple ways of getting rid of this child?

This is what told about the own successful experience of getting rid of nodal erythema with the help of a folk tool visitor of one of the medical portals:

- Once, working in a collective farm at cleaning potatoes, I brought infection in. Soon red spots appeared on the palms. I am to a doctor. He immediately determined: «Worked without gloves in the garden and was cut!»

I wrote out, but, apparently, I was late. On the legs from the knees to the heels appeared subcutaneous cones and very painful. I went to the surgeon, then to the leather. That «comforted»: This is a nodal erythema, the treatment is bad. Discharged tablets and all.

I hardly moved after the counter - worked as a seller. But one day came to the store neighbor, asked what happened to me. Promised to cure. And brought a canvas impregnated with propolis. This burlap beekeepers are covered with hive under the lid. He said that she got rid of eczema on his legs after a week went, wrapped the feet of such a canvas, as if in socks.

Everything did how he ordered. On the night wrapped her legs in the canvas and went to bed. I wake up the morning, and only three cones remain! Repeated the procedure two more times. Thanks to Peter Ilyich - everything went, the age will remember him.

Brief certificate of narrowing erythene

They sick more often than women, especially if they are forced to be in cool premises for a long time in the nature of the work, and just as long to stand on the legs. The disease begins acutely, the body temperature rises to 38 - 39° C, there is a sense of general ailment, chills, a breaking, severe weakness, joint pain, headache, etc. All these phenomena are usually saved for several days.

On a background in the thicker of the skin and subcutaneous fiber (more often on the legs and forearms), dense and painful nodules appear, which grow quite rapidly and reach the size of a large walnut. Often during this period patients note sharp pains, burning in the affected limb when lowering it down, sometimes they cannot walk. Number of nodes is small. The skin over them first bright pink, in a few days it becomes rich red, then brown-red, greenish yellow (flowers like a bruise).

In the period of complete development, the nodes rise above the skin, then gradually flattened and allowed, leaving after themselves temporary pigmentation. The existence time of each individual element is about 2 weeks, in general the disease lasts 3 - 4 weeks.

A noded erythema is a toxic-allergic vascular reaction arising from various acute and chronic diseases and intoxication.

Of great importance here has a streptococcal infection and very often noded erythema occurs after the suffered angina. Chronic nodal erythema manifests itself almost the same as acute, only nodes are usually single and persist 2 - 3 months, and the disease itself can last up to a year.

It should be remembered that the nodal erythema can be both an independent disease and a symptom of another illness. Therefore, even if you decide to be treated from nodal erythema yourself, the consultation of a qualified doctor will be absolutely not superfluous. be healthy!

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