How to extend youth? UGT: drugs and algorithm of their destination


  • Window therapeutic capabilities
  • Examination before appointing UGT
  • Replacement hormone therapy: drugs
  • Stear therapy

  • How to extend your youth? UGT: drugs and algorithm of their destinationDespite the significant achievements of medicine in the field of endocrinology, many women, and doctors, still feel the fear of replacement hormone therapy (HRT). Preparations compensating for lack of sex hormones during menopause, we are prescribed quite rarely on comparison with global practice. Many factors affect: the lack of a single algorithm for action in the treatment of menopausal syndrome, disagreements on the subject of necessity and security of hormonal therapy, a weak awareness of women about the UGT. Millions of women continue to grow old and suffer from manifestations of Clemaks, while the beautiful half of the US and Europe population enjoys life in menopause. Let's try to clarify the QUESTIONS of the UGT, in which drugs are applied with the substitution goal when and how they are prescribed.

    Indications for substitution hormone therapy

    • Premature extinction of ovarian functions (up to 40 years) or early climax (40-45 years).
    • Surgical menopause.
    • Climetheque disorders.
    • Atrophic processes in the urogenital system on the background of hormonal failure.
    • The need to prevent osteoporosis and Alzheimer's disease.
    • Atrophic skin processes, conjunctivations, oral mucosa.

    Today, doctors agree that menopacteric syndrome, as any manifestation of hormonal failure, is subject to treatment.

    Window therapeutic capabilities

    When replacement hormonal therapy begin? Preparations of sex hormones are prescribed when the first signs of extrusion of the ovarian function appear in the preventive effect. When the woman's body occurs rough changes, there are manifestations of hormonal insufficiency, diseases of the cardiovascular system, osteoporosis or Alzheimer's disease do something with hormones is quite difficult.

    Examination before appointing UGT

    Although the drugs for the UGT can be bought at the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, like oral contraceptives, their independent reception is fraught with serious complications.

    With the advent of the first symptoms of Klimaks, you should consult a doctor and pass a preliminary examination:

    • gynecological examination;
    • Evaluation of the female calendar for 6 months;
    • Colpocytology, oncocytological examination of prints of prints with cervix;
    • common clinical and biochemical blood tests (special attention to the indicators of lipid metabolism and sugar);
    • Coagulogram;
    • blood tests for sex hormones (folitropine, lutropin, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, testosterone) and thyroid hormones (TSH, T3, T4);
    • Somatic inspection: consultation therapist, ultrasound kidneys, liver, thyroid gland;
    • mammography;
    • Uzi genital organs with an estimate of endometrial thickness.

    Contraindications for the appointment of UGT and drugs of hormonal series are cancer, cardiovascular pathology with high risk of thrombosis, hepatic and renal failure, porphyria, meningoma, estrogen-dependent tumors.

    Replacement hormone therapy: drugs

    Today, the generally accepted form of the GTR is estrogen-gestagny therapy, that is, the appointment of combined drugs containing both female sex hormones. Women often believe that drugs for the UGT — these are oral contraceptives, but it is not. Since the function of the UGT is not the stabilization of the menstrual cycle of a woman, but the elimination of symptoms of menopausal syndrome, the number of hormones in drugs for the treatment of Klimaks committed Other. In surgical climax, Estrogen therapy may be assigned.

    With replacement hormone therapy, drugs are entered by several paths:

    • Inside in tablets,
    • Transdermally with the help of patch or by applying gels,
    • inside the uterus, by introducing a levonorettellor system.

    What drugs should be taken with substitution hormone therapy?By the way, non-radical ways of introducing hormones are considered the safest, falling into the body, bypassing the liver, they significantly reduce the load on the organ.

    In the UGT, drugs can be assigned in cyclic mode, as well as oral hormonal contraceptives, maintaining a menstrual-like reaction. Such a mode is shown to women entering the path of menopacteric rearrangements, as well as those who previously took OK and now reached the age of 45, when the use of estrogen-gestagne contraceptives is undesirable.

    Upon reaching the female of the 50-year-old age, they are moving to continuous reception of hormones, in which menstruation stop completely, but the hormonal background prevents the development of menopacteric disorders. To the same method of receiving hormones transfers in case of a woman on the background of cyclic therapy disappears menstrual-like reaction. It is believed that the continuation of the reception of cyclic drugs for more than 5 years after the cessation of menstruation increases the risk of developing cancer.

    In postmenopausal use only continuous reception mode of hormones.

    Doses of hormones are selected individually, guided by the principle of minimum dose, usually, the older woman — the smaller the volume.

    Stear therapy

    In addition to traditional hormonal drugs for the UGT, fabric regulators of estrogen activity are used. These drugs do not contain hormones, their current start — Synthetic substance steroid structure, Tibolone. In the body of a woman, Tibolone breaks down at 2 metabolites, which prevent the development of osteoporosis, without provoking the development of endometrial cancer and mammary glands.

    Eliminate the manifestations of climax and extend the youth of the woman, retaining her health — Today is not a problem. The main thing — in time take a step towards modern trends of world medicine.

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